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"Class dismissed" Aizawa tiredly said and left the room.

"Ne ne, minna" called Ashido.

"Let's go to the mall. I heard that there's a new boutique there and because its new its on sale! So what do you think?" Ashido.

"Yeah, count me in!" Uraraka

"Yeah sure" Jirou

"Sweet! Let's go!" Hagakure

"Hmm, ok. Ribbit" Asui

"Yaomomo? What do you think?" Ask the girls to the cat like eye girl.

"Hmm, I guess I can go to. I don't have to study now" Yaoyorozu replied.

"Yosh! Eko!" Uraraka and Hagakure excitedly said.

The girls walk out of the room chatting and laughing at something. When their are in the gates, Yaoyorozu suddenly stop walking and furiously looking at her bag.

"Yaomomo? Is everything ok?" Jirou ask worriedly.

"Eh? Ah, yes. I just forgot something. You guys should go first, I'll be there in a jiffy" Yaoyorozu

"You sure?"


After exchanging replies, Yaoyorozu run back to the classroom while muttering some thing's like,

Mother will kill me. I forgot about it.

I'm so careless,

I should keep a reminder  in my things.

And such.

About a minute or so, Yaoyorozu arrive at their classroom and look under her chair panting.

Yabai, where is it? Where did I put it? Yaoyorozu said in her mind.

After a minute of searching, she walk out of the room upset.

While walking in the hallway someone called her.


Shock to the core, Yaoyorozu look at Todoroki. Shock that he's still at the academy and not in his house.

Taking a glance at his body, she notice something. Already knowing what's in his hands holding tightly.

"To...Todoroki-kun, my... My... I... I... I mean, why are you still here?" Yaoyorozu said while smiling a bit forcedly.

"Am I not allowed to stay in the school after class?" Todoroki said without an expression in his face.

"No! I... I mean, I'm just wondering why your still here and not in your house. I'm just curious that's all" Yaoyorozu explained.

"I'm just joking. And the reason why I'm still here is because of this book" Todoroki explain while raising his right hand where the book is located.

"O-oh, where did you find that Todoroki-kun?" Ask Yaoyorozu while having a red face due to embarrassment.

Embarrass because somehow Todoroki found her book. Her book that contains her written story. A story about romance and mystery that is still yet to be done.

"This? I wonder where. Where do you think I found this Yaoyorozu?" Tease Todoroki.

I-is he teasing me? THE Todoroki Shouto is teasing me?! Think Yaoyorozu.

"I-I don't k-know what your talking about Todoroki-kun" stuttered Yaoyorozu.

"Oh? Then why's your name here?" Ask Todoroki while looking intently in her eyes.

"I-I I don't know. Re-Really!" Stutter Yaoyorozu, embarrassment written in her face.

"Are you sure this is not yours? Because your the only one I know who's name is Yaoyorozu Momo in the school" more tease coming from the expressionless Todoroki Shouto.

"I-I... Mo! Stop teasing me!" Shouted Yaoyorozu. Face painted with red.

"Can I have it back?"

"Hn," Todoroki extended his right hand where the book is located while he sit down in the stairs.

Due to excitement, Yaoyorozu immediately grab the book without thinking that Todoroki's left hand extended to grab her too.

Upon so, Yaoyorozu sit upright into Todoroki's lap facing his right neck and inhaling his scent.

A-are? W-why am I sitting in Todoroki's lap? Thought Yaoyorozu.


Shock to the core, Yaoyorozu immediately disconnect herself to Todoroki. But unlucky her, Todoroki wrap his arms tightly in her waist and lean his head unto her neck inhaling her vanilla scent.

With a blushing face, Yaoyorozu look in the hallway looking out if someone saw them and make a rumor.

"A-ano Todoroki-kun, Ca-can you le-let go already? I-I still have an errand to ru-run to" embarrass Yaoyorozu said.

"Hmm, let's stay like this for awhile Momo. You should learn how to response to my actions since we're getting married" Todoroki calmly said and continuously making Yaoyorozu blush.

"Mo Todoroki-kun. Shut up." Yaoyorozu said while burying her face in his hair.

*chuckle* she's cute when she's embarrass. Damn, she will be the death of me.

And after that, Yaoyorozu completely forgot about the girls and just having fun with Todoroki.


*sounds of crickets*

"Mo! Where is YaoMomo? We've been here forever!" Yelled Ashido

"Let's just go home. It looks like YaoMomo forgot about us" said Jiro.

"Eko, ribbit" Mina

This is my favorite chapter so far ^__^

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