~Special Chapter : Valentine's Day~

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Today in U.A, they held a special program for its one of the holidays that bring smiling faces, giddy feelings and of course love. For today is Valentine's day.

And of course because its Valentine's day, there are booths like 'Marriage booth'  'handcuff booth' and a lot of things.

But, because they hold a program. Every class in the U.A must have a booth. The money that they will get will be given to them.

But can the class A do this without difficulties? Well, let's find out.

•In the classroom of Class A•

"Alright minna!" Shouted Iida to his classmates.

"The principal told us -the classroom Presidents and class Rep's- that there will be a special program in Valentine's Day" Iida said,and after that the class is in chaos.

"Quite! Aherm... And because of that, the school will be open in public. They also told us to make booth in each of the classrooms, and they don't want that there will be a repeating of booths. So Yaoyorozu-kun, can you tell them?" Ask Iida.

"Of course" Yaoyorozu nodded

"As what Iida-san just said, there will be booths. And the principal suggested to us that we will be having a 'Maid and Butler Cafe' and I hope that all of you will cooperate,especially you Bakugo-kun" Explained Yaoyorozu.

"Huh?! What did you say boobs girl?! Of course I'll cooperate! But I will decide which position I will get! Get it?!" Shouted Bakugo.

"Hai hai. Alright minna, any request or ideas that you wanna say? Or any questions?" Ask Yaoyorozu

Then suddenly, Todoroki hands up

"Yes Todoroki-kun?" Ask Iida

"Is there a shift in this?" Ask Todoroki

"Well of course there will be shift to accommodate our booth. And in order to have a less waiters and waitresses, there will be a shift" explained Yaoyorozu

"And I'm assigning some of you to what to bring for the program" added Iida

"Oh, by the way. The teachers give us 3 days of no classes to build our booth" Iida

"Alright minna, are you ready?" Ask Yaoyorozu

"Hai!" Everyone agree

*Time skip brought to you by Bakugo who wears a pink dress and a pink cat hair band*

Its the day of the program, everyone is busy doing a last minute setup. Like Kaminari adjusting the curtains, Jiro busy of her DJ booth, Aoyama busy giving himself a beauty something, wait what?

"Students be ready of your booths, the program will be starting in 3 2 ---"

And people dash into the academy to enjoy themselves around the school.

Upon so, the Class A is quite busy for their booth because its a hit!

Iida running here and there taking orders, Yaoyorozu smiling for the people entering their booth, and of course Bakugo glaring at his customers *sigh*.

And the day is done, with the class A exhausted but worth it.

~In the dorm~

"Man, I'm tired" exclaimed Ashido

"I'm beyond exhausted" Kirishima dramatically said while rolling in the floor.

Yaoyorozu just giggle at her classmates in their doings and doesn't know that Todoroki is staring at her.

"Yaoyorozu" called Todoroki

"Hai?" Questioned Yaoyorozu

"Follow me" Todoroki

Upon so, Todoroki begin to walk in the backyard   [(is there even a backyard? Hmm, nah don't think so)]   while Yaoyorozu followed.

When their in the backyard already, Todoroki begins to speak.

"Yaoyorozu, I know that I'm just your classmate and your seatmate. But I want to thank you for being there for me. And because of that, I'd like you to have this. This is my mother's necklace, she told me that I'm giving this to the only girl that I want to grow old with. And I want you to have it. Yes Yaoyorozu, I'm saying this because I'm in love with you. You give me a reason to live my life to the fullest, you give me a light to forgive myself for my doings, you give me a chance to understand my fathers doing. And I'm thankful for that. I, Todoroki Shouto is telling you this because I want you be a part of my future, my wife and my children's mother. I love you Yaoyorozu Momo. Will you accept me?" Todoroki said with passion and love in his eyes.

Upon hearing this, Yaoyorozu began to tear up. Feelings that she bottled up pop open and filling her. The feelings she tried to forget,the feelings that she thought could be a burden, begins to eat her up and letting her to accept the fact that she to love Todoroki Shouto and willingly to be a part of his future.

"T-thats unfair Todoroki-kun, I-I should be t-the one t-to say that. And yes I'm accepting you" Yaoyorozu said while crying but smiling.

"Its a yes Todoroki-kun" Yaoyorozu added smiling.

Upon hearing this, Todoroki begins to smile widely and put the necklace to Yaoyorozu's neck and kiss her.

"The best Day ever" said Todoroki

"Its Valentine's Day Shouto" Yaoyorozu said smiling.

Its done!!! My head is hurting man. Damn it, anyway I hope this satisfy your hunger of TodoMomo moments

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