~Special Chapter : Mistletoe~

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{This will be a Special Christmas Chapter for my dear readers who are still reading this one-shots of mine. And I deeply apologized that you encountered a LOT of grammatical errors. Welp, I hope you will enjoy this. Adios me amegus! Sayonara minna-san! Paalam mga kapwa kong pinoy!}

"Minna! Come on, its snowing! Let's play!" Shouted Ashido.

"Calm yourself down Ashido-san, we still haven't done the decoration's yet, ribbit" explained Tsuyu.

"Boo," pouted Ashido.

"Alright minna! Let's decorate the dorm! Let's enjoy ourselves at our Christmas party!" Iida yelled so that everyone can hear him.

After that, everyone help each other to decorate their dorm and have fun after. Even the hot headed Bakugo help without complaining.

"Yaoyorozu-san, can you make a mistletoe?" Ask Iida

"Of course Iida-san,but can I know the reason?" Ask Yaoyorozu.

"Nothing,I just want to hung some," Iida said.

"OK" and after that, Yaoyorozu make some mistletoe.

And then, Iida told Yaoyorozu to hang it in the room. Yaoyorozu found a ladder and make her way to the common room.

"Yaoyorozu, isn't that ladder a bit strange?" Kaminari ask.

"Strange? Why is that Kaminari-san?" Yaoyorozu ask.

"Hmm, I don't know. It feels like I saw that ladder weeks ago. It feels like that ladder is from that old storage room in the school that the teachers said that we shouldn't use" Kaminari explained

"I don't know that. But anyway I'm almost done. Just a little bit closer ~" Yaoyorozu said while adjusting the last mistletoe.

Upon saying that, the ladder wobble and ---

"Yaoyorozu!!" Everyone shouted.


But someone catch her. And the one who catch her is none other than Todoroki Shouto.

"Are you ok Yaoyorozu?" Ask Todoroki.

'Huh?' Yaoyorozu think.

Yaoyorozu opens her eyes and was shock to see who catch her.

"A-arigato Todoroki-san" Yaoyorozu said while bowing.

"Hmm, its fine" upon saying that, Todoroki saw the mistletoe that Yaoyorozu hung, and think of something weird.

'Isn't that a mistletoe? And we're under it? Does it mean I have to kiss her?'  Todoroki think. He assume that if he will kiss Yaoyorozu, he will just say that they are under a mistletoe and it's part of a tradition to kiss someone underneath it.

But unfortunately, the whole class expected that Todoroki will do it. And somehow, Iida is holding a video camera to record the scene.

"A-ano, Todoroki-san? Can you let go of me now?" Ask Yaoyorozu

"Ahh, gomen," after that, Todoroki let go of Yaoyorozu and suddenly ---



Todoroki kiss Yaoyorozu!

The whole class are shock that Todoroki actually did it! They thought that Todoroki will not do it,but actually did!

And the most shocking part is that --

"Merry Christmas Yaoyorozu" Todoroki said while smiling.

*Le gasp* I actually did it 0___0

But I'm sorry though, its late. But nah, don't care. Tata~~

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