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I love him secretly

I love him even though he did something wrong

I love him even though he don't see me as a comrade or friend

I love him, yet he doesn't know

I love him

But why?

Why did you do all of those things Shouto?

Why did you choose the league of villains?

Why did you kill Midoriya?

Why did you kill Endeavor?

Why did you kill your siblings?

Your mother? Your mother who you respected the most.

Why did you kill everyone?


Is it because of the pressure?

Do you think that if I confess to you early, you could be save?

You could walk on the right path and not on the one your walking right now?

"Goodbye Yaoyorozu, and thank you"

Is the last word I heard before you killed me.

I'll be waiting for you Shouto.

And maybe, in the after life, we can be together.

Sayonara Shouto-kun, the love of my life. And thank you.

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