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(Warning: Explicit chapter ahead. If you're under the age of 16 please do not read this and skip. If not, I do not hold responsibilities in ruining your innocent mind. Thank you)

As the stormy night goes on, a young couple is fighting off the heat that they feel towards each other thinking that the other may not be comfortable enough to have sexual intercourse despite being married for the last 2 years.

As they distract themselves from touching each other, Momo suggests that they watch movie to entertain themselves as the storm passes by. Momo thinks that this is the best way to distract herself from thinking something sexual towards her husband not knowing that Shoto is having a battle insides of himself too.

As they choose a movie not reading the descriptions whether it may have something to do with their current situation, they continue to watch the movie.

In the middle of the movie, the leading man touches the leading woman sexually and starting to have something heat. As the two watches, the heat comes back ten fold as Momo fidget her thigh to create friction as the heat becomes bearable. Shoto notices this and slowly pull Momo closer to him.

As the two got closer, Shoto look directly in Momo's eyes finding it dilated with lust. Finding this as a consent, Shoto kisses Momo softly but as Momo kisses back, the soft kiss becomes a heavy make out session.

As they continue to make out, Momo didn't realize that she's already straddling Shoto as they part ways to breathe.

"Can I touch you?" Shoto ask Momo as he stares directly at her.

Not thinking clearly, Momo nods as she craves to be touched.

As Momo gives consent, Shoto kisses Momo torridly and roam his hands at her neck down to her collarbone and to her waist. Caressing it carefully before slipping his hands under her shirt and unclasp her brassiere before cupping her breast and fiddling her nipple.

Feeling Shotos' touch, Momo moan in the kiss before separating to breathe. As the two separated, Shoto trailed kisses in Momo's neck and leaving wet kisses and occasionally leaving love bites.

As the heat rises, Momo grinds in Shoto's crotch to further please herself and pleasing Shoto. As she grind, Shoto groan and accidentally biting Momo's neck hardly enought to bleed a little resulting in Momo to gasp in shock and stop grinding.

Shoto looks at Momo before lifting her shirt up and throwing it in the living rooms floor and continue to kiss her breast. Putting her right breast inside his mouth and suck, Momo can't help but to moan loudly and arching her back as she feels pleasure in Shoto's action. She keeps on pulling Shoto's hair as he occasionally sucks harder and bite her nipple. As Shoto feels that he's neglecting her left breast, he transfers and begone sucking hardly resulting in Momo moaning loudly.

"Shoto.. Stop.." said Momo as she feels her breast starting to hurt due to Shoto's hard  sucking.

Feeling confuse, he looks at her tilting his head to the side asking why. After explaining he says sorry before kissing her in her mouth again and continues to roam his hands in her body.

Palming her butt, he lift Momo a little to put her shorts and panties down and tossing it in the floor just like her shirt completely undressing her.

As he slip his hands in her thigh and reaching for her clit, Momo grabs his hand and look at him pouting.

"It's not fair Shoto, I'm completely undressed while you're not." Momo says while pouting resulting in Shoto to chuckle at her.

Lifting his shirt and shorts off leaving his boxer, he looks at Momo to find her ogling at his body. Shoto's eyes started to dilate and fuelled by lust, he grabs Momo's nape to kiss her heatedly while running his right hands in her back down to her butt and slipping in her pussy flicking her clit.

As he continues to flick her clit, Momo keeps on moaning in his mouth and gripping his arms tightly. After a while, Shoto slips his middle finger and ring finger into her tight hole and pumping slowly resulting to Momo breaks the kiss and moaning loudly. Looking at her, Shoto can't help but to fasten his hands and inserting the third finger.

"Shoto, *pants* I-I, ooohhh, I'm cu-cumming, aaahh" Momo moans in his neck while riding his fingers.

Pumping his fingers faster and Momo bouncing it's not to long to find her release. Panting and leaning to his shoulder, Shoto brings his fingers to his mouth to suck off the liquid.

Lifting her up, he carries Momo to their shared bedroom to finish off what they've started.

Laying her down in the bed, he kisses her passionately and touching her everywhere. Sliding off his boxer, he position his tip in her hole while kissing her deeply and holding her hands above her head.

Slipping in her slowly until hitting her cervix and thrusting softly to adjust inside of her, Momo can't help but to moan loudly as Shoto railed her hard to the point that their bed is moving accordingly.

Thrusting fatser and harder, pressing her in the bed and putting her legs in his shoulders, the two continues to dance in the stormy night heatedly and reaching the end, climaxing together and satisfying each other.

The first smut that I've written 0__0

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