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𝙳𝚢𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚍𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜
𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟻𝚝𝚑 @ 𝟾:𝟻𝟹 𝚊𝚖

𝙳𝚢𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚍𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟻𝚝𝚑 @ 𝟾:𝟻𝟹 𝚊𝚖

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You never liked to wake up early for work. So imagine how you felt when you were told this job started at nine in the morning on a Monday? Either way, you still got your ass up, grabbed some coffee, and went to work.

It was some big ass building downtown. It used to be owned by someone else, but apparently, it was bought out. You walked into the office and greeted the office lady before getting into the elevator. It had a mirror, so you got to check your outfit and made sure it looked nice.

[𝙊𝙪𝙩𝙛𝙞𝙩 𝙄𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙤]

Even though it was summer, it was cool in the morning

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Even though it was summer, it was cool in the morning. Plus offices were always cold. So the coat was definitely needed. It also covered your tattoos. You didn't need these white folk judging you on your first day. You already had to fight your hair to put it in a bun this morning, clothes were not about to be a hassle.

The elevator dinged, which made you get off. Your good memory let you remember what the office room number was. You opened the door, seeing the large office inside. This shit was nice.

[𝙊𝙛𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙄𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙤]

It gave off rich nigga vibes

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It gave off rich nigga vibes. "You just gonna stand there?" Your eyes looked at the desk, seeing the ash-blonde man sitting there. His hair was spiky, eyes red as his face sat in a natural scowl. His bulky body was fitted in a nice black suit as he sat there with his hands resting on his desk.

"Well?" You snapped out of your trance of staring before nodding. You stepped in and closed the door behind you. His hand gestured to the seat across from his desk, and you sat down while looking at the desk. The items were neat, nothing was out of place.

Looking at the nameplate, you saw his name was Katsuki Bakugou. It sounded like how he looked: intimidating. While you weren't worried about any man, his presence alone seemed like a challenge. But you never backed down from a challenge.

"The papers in this file are yours to do. You can set up the laptop however you want. Just do them, answer the phone, and tell me when it's time for a break." You nodded, opening the laptop and setting it up. After that, you got to work.

You never thought a man like this would own a fashion company. It was big too, and you didn't even realize you owned some of their clothes. The things to do weren't hard. Just find errors in the papers and make sure the digital copies matched the paper ones. Not too much for the first day of work.

While you looked at all the numbers, a thought ran over your mind. You were getting paid $140 per hour. Working ten hours a day, that was $1,400. You get paid bi-weekly, so working minus the weekend meant you make $14,000. That didn't even count that you made another $100 every hour you worked overtime. That meant this month alone you'd make at least $28,000.

"Holy shit..." You mumbled to yourself, pinching your lip as you ran the numbers over in your head again. The thought broke by the sound of the phone ringing. You looked at it, and it took a second before you remembered it was your job to answer it.

"Dynamite Industries, how can I be of assistance?" You said in your white girl voice, trying to sound as proper as you can. You spoke to the man on the phone, writing down the information he gave you before putting him on hold. "It's a man named Daichi Takahashi from Yamamoto Industries. He's asking about the collaboration for the fall show."

You watched Bakugou groan as he rubbed his temple. "Tell him we already discussed this, we'll talk about this in July when they have more people invested in it." You nodded before taking him off hold. "I'm sorry, but until more people are invested Dynamite Industries will not partake. We'll have this conversation again in July. Thank you, and goodbye." You hung up the phone before getting back to work.

Soon 11:30 had it, which meant it was time for a break. You closed your laptop but saw your boss was still typing away. "Sir, it's time for a break." He didn't react, let alone look at you. "Sir?" You snapped a couple of times just to not get a reaction.

No one told you he was a workaholic. You got up, walking over to his side of his desk. You could just cut the computer off, but then he might lose his progress and then get pissed. You waved your hand in front of his face, but there was still no reaction. 

"Are you even paying attention?" There was no reply, making you groan. You grabbed his chair, backing him up from the desk and turning him to face you. Red eyes looked at you as you leaned over to be eye level with him. "It's time for your break, sir." You told him as your locked eyes with his.

This is when Bakugou actually got a look at you. Your brown skin, plump lips, soft curls, and your overall presence. You'd taken off your coat, which showed your sleeveless white turtleneck and tattooed arms. He exhaled a bit before nodding. "Thanks, Miss Roberts."

The way he said your name made you feel some type of way. You stood back up before giving a small stretch. "I'm gonna go get a coffee. Have a nice break." You turned around and walked away, Bakugou watching as you left. He was going to enjoy you as an assistant.

 He was going to enjoy you as an assistant

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