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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙶𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚎
𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟹𝟷𝚜𝚝 @ 𝟿:𝟺𝟻 𝚙𝚖
𝚢/𝚗'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

I didn't expect him to answer like that, and I couldn't even focus on the rest of the ride

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I didn't expect him to answer like that, and I couldn't even focus on the rest of the ride. Even if they weren't moving, his fingers were still knuckle deep inside of me. When the car stopped, and had stayed that way for a while, I opened my eyes and realized we had parked. "The best part about living in a penthouse is the giant parking garage. Hit the fifth level and there are no cars."

He slid his fingers out of me and put them into his mouth, and I could see him licking him clean before pulling them out. "Best thing I've tasted all night." He reached over and pushed my seat back, and I watched him open his glove department. There were just papers, napkins, but what caught my attention was the box of condoms.

"You came prepared, huh?" "I never know what I'm getting into with you." He gently wrapped one hand against my neck and kissed me. He didn't know I had a thing for choking, but I think he caught on when he squeezed and I moaned in his mouth. I loved the feeling of his lips, they were soft and his tongue felt nice against mine. He never applied too much pressure, like he was listening to my breaths and knew when it was too much.

"I wanna fuck..." I moaned out, moving his unoccupied hand to feel how wet I was, how wet he made me. "Whatever you want." He grabbed one of the condoms and closed the glove box. I've had a lot of car sex, but I didn't expect him to get in the passenger seat with me. He unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants and boxers down, and damn I missed the look of his dick. It was leaking a lot of precum, which told me he wanted this as much as I did.

I zoned out a bit because of anticipation, but once I felt his hands on my hips pulling my panties down I locked right back in. "Take this off." I told him while tugging on his sweater. He pulled it off quickly and lined himself up, and we both moaned when he finally slid in. I don't remember him being this big, the sting of being stretched added to the pleasure, my nails digging into his back. "Sor-" "Don't apologize." He said in my ear as he bottomed out, hips slowly rolling and bumping against my clit.

Being pressed between him and the seat and having nowhere to move made this so much better. He started to pull out more with each thrust, his hips hitting against mine harder each time. I bit his shoulder, and the groan he let out was heavenly. "Harder." I mumbled between my teeth. I felt his fingers wrap around my throat again and he pushed my head against the seat. The car had to be shaking from the force he was putting into his thrusts, and I was practically whining in his ear with how he was fucking me.

"I missed this pussy. Did it miss me?" I was mumbling yes over and over, but I stopped when his hand squeezed my throat even harder. "I don't want to hear anything out of you except my name." He wasn't this intense last time, but I loved the aggression. I tried to get my lips to mutter Bakugou, but I only got half way through before he cut me off and said "Katsuki." It took my brain a couple of seconds to register the name. Once it did I looked in his eyes and "Katsuki." slipped from my lips.

"Good girl." Oh that did something to me. I kept saying his name, it felt like the more I did the better he made me feel. Rather it be with his movements or his words, I was out of breath by the second. "I wanna make this pretty pussy cum. Can you do that for me? Can you cum?" My eyes were half lidded and I was gasping, but I still nodded. Both his hands moved to slide under my knees, pushing my legs up and pounding into me.

My eyes started to water, and he kissed my tears away which is what pushed me over the edge. Thank God no one was up here, because I was screaming his name and moaning out anything my lungs could muster. I couldn't register anything else after that, I just felt him pull out and I sat there panting. "Where do you want it?" I slowly blinked before looking down, watching him stroke himself. I couldn't muster up any words, so I lightly squeezed him with my thighs.

I'm pretty sure he got the hint, because after a couple seconds I felt warm liquid against my thighs. "What a pretty sight..." He ran his hands against my thighs before placing a soft kiss against my lips. He was nice and cleaned me up, and I didn't pay attention while he fixed himself up. I heard his car door open and close, and suddenly I felt the breeze. "C'mon pretty lady." I don't know how he managed to just get up and go after sex, so I just reached my hand out and let him take me out of the car.

I was still on that orgasm high, and I'm pretty sure he could tell since I couldn't take more than two steps without wobbling. Eventually he picked me up, and damn fucking standing up would be nice one of those days. Not tonight though, I wanted to sleep in that nice ass bed of his. "Thank you..." "No need to apologize, this just lets me know I did my job correctly."

I couldn't even roll my eyes, but I'm sure he got it. The walk to his apartment wasn't long, but he did have to put me down to unlock the door. I was happy to see his penthouse, but I was not as happy when I heard clacking against the floor and panting. "Hey fat girl!" He was smiling wide at the dog coming towards us, and I was getting worried cus that bitch was big.

I went to sit at the bar, but of course she went straight towards me. "I didn't know you had a dog..." "Her name's Rocki, she's an English Bulldog. She doesn't bite, she's just excited because she doesn't know you yet." I smiled at her, which she didn't give a fuck about because she was sniffing my leg. She was definitely fat, brown and white fur and you could hear her breathing. I wasn't a big dog person, I was scared of them, but she seemed cool.

"Was she here last time?" "No, she usually stays with my friend while I'm gone or have company. I guess he couldn't keep her any longer so he dropped her off. She doesn't like going upstairs so she'll stay down here. If you're going to pet her please wash your hands first." It was like he was in boss mode, but I'd never seen him caring about something before. I leaned over to wash my hands, dried them off before getting down. "Hey Rocki girl..." I leaned down a bit to pet her, and she seemed excited. She was stepping really fast and leaning into my touch.

"Okay Rocki, walk." The second he said that she was out of my arms and at the door. For a fat dog she sure did move fast. "There are clothes on the bed for you, we shouldn't be gone long." I just nodded, and once he left I washed my hands again and made my way upstairs. There was a cute pink satin pajama set on the bed. It was a tank top and shorts set with a bonnet, and while he gave me undies I felt like going commando.

My shower was nice and warm, I loved the water pressure here. He even got me cocoa butter, he knew what a black gal needed. When I came back out he was in bed, changed into black shorts and a tank top. Ugh he was fine. I got into bed, smelling his soap clinging to his body. "You got anything to do tomorrow?" He asked, running his hands over my skin. "I'll have to go back home to watch Isaiah, but other than that nothing." He just made a noise before pulling me close. I knew I was about to have the best sleep of my life.

 I knew I was about to have the best sleep of my life

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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