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𝚢/𝚗'𝚜 𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝

𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟷𝟸𝚝𝚑 @ 𝟾:𝟺𝟿 𝚙𝚖

Getting home from work was always a bittersweet thing

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Getting home from work was always a bittersweet thing. While it was nice to kick off your shoes and lay down, it also meant you didn't get to see your boss. Not like you were obsessed or anything, he was just a good kisser. A very, good kisser. 

The only thing was, kissing was all you did. That left a lot of pent-up nerves which needed to be dealt with. Not like had that desk for nothing. But now it was the end of Tuesday, which meant you wouldn't see him till Thursday. 

You weren't that much of a slut that you couldn't last a day. That's why they invented sex toys and locked doors. But that would wait till tomorrow. As you stepped into your apartment, the only thing that mattered was a hot shower and your bed.

Your shoes were quickly kicked off as they finally felt relief from the heels you wore, and your feet patted against the floor as you made it to your room. But your whole mood changed when you saw Jacob sitting on your bed. 

"Fuck are you doing here?" He was supposed to pick up Isaiah at exactly eight so he was gone by the time you got home. "Shit, no hi?" "Not when you're sitting in my room in silence like a fucking weirdo. Now answer the damn question."

You were not in the mood to deal with this nigga right now. "So I came to get Zay at eight, I'm never late. But anyway, when I got here the house was quiet as fuck. I know Ochako already at work, so I knock on Mina's door. She in there cuddled all up with Isaiah sleep, and when I tried to wake her up she told me to move."

Okay, he sort of had an alibi. If Mina watching Isaiah, they taking a nap. Still doesn't explain why he was still there, but you still needed a shower to cool off. So all you did was sigh and get your pajamas and going to the bathroom. Had to lock the door, because Jacob was always on some shit.

After your shower, you turned on the fan to let the steam clear out and left. Jacob was still on your bed when you came back, making you sigh while putting your clothes in the hamper. "What? You don't wanna see me?" "No nigga duh."

He smacked his lips and your ass, and you returned it with a punch to the arm. "Damn ma it's like that?" You don't know what Jesus was putting into his head, but when Jacob slapped your thigh he deserved his chest hit. 

"Damn y/n you hitting hard." Before you could say something he grabbed your waist and playfully slammed you on the bed. "Motherfu-" You didn't get to finish before pressed his lips against yours. Normally, you'd push him away. But since you were incredibly horny all the time, sex would be okay right now.

Not like you hated Jacob, but his dick was big and he was pretty fucking sexy. So you kissed him back and let him get on top of you. His hands ran up and down your body, grabbing anything he could while his tongue went in your mouth.

Jacob was planning on pulling your shorts down, but you stopped him before things progressed. "Get a condom." You told him, cause history has proven his pull-out game ain't shit. He sighed before putting his head in the side of your head. "We literally have a son." "And I don't want another one. We already talked about this." 

Before he could say anything his phone vibrated. "Gimmie a sec ma." He kissed your cheek before sitting up and checking his phone. You watched as he looked at his phone before groaned. "My sister here." "Aww, you letting Deja drive yo car now?" He mugged you while you kicked his side.

"She nineteen and can barely drive, and she comes at the worst fucking times." You gave him a goofy pout, but in your head, you wanted to give Deja a hundred damn dollars. "Welp, that's just how the universe works. Now go collect yo son so you can leave." 

Jacob looked at you before shaking his head. "Fuck you mean no?" "Deja got my keys, she can get him herself. It's finna get nasty in here." You started laughing as he grabbed you and pulled you into a kiss. Shit, the things you did for dick.

 Shit, the things you did for dick

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