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𝙳𝚢𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚍𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜

𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟶𝚝𝚑 @ 𝟹:00 𝚙𝚖

Lunch was always your favorite time of work

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Lunch was always your favorite time of work. You got to chill for an hour and not have to deal with phone calls or typing. You were going to eat in the common area, but the surplus of people made you turn back around. Too many white folks in one room for your likeness.

You went back up the elevator and walked right back into your boss's office. The look on his face told you he hadn't expected you to be back so soon. "Common room not living up to your standards?" "Too many people." You admitted as you sat back down.

Bakugou watched you get your food out and set it on his desk. "You staring an awful lot sir." You peered up at him through your lashes while opening up your Chipotle container. "Sorry, you just look nice today."


A light laugh left your mouth as you grabbed your fork

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A light laugh left your mouth as you grabbed your fork. "First of all, I look good every day. Second, ain't it some working code where you can't say shit like that?" It was Bakugou's turn to laugh as you bit into your Burrito Bowl.

"I don't think complimenting you is a form of harassment Ms. Roberts. But I do agree, you look nice every day." At this moment you thanked the Lord that you were black because you feel your face getting warmer. Bakugou tended to do that, saying little things that would make your stomach flutter. 

You had to remind yourself that you were a grown ass woman and little shit like that shouldn't throw you off. Maybe fucking with a no good nigga for the past two years fucked your game up. You played it off by just looking at him and eating your food.

"So you pay attention to what I look like?" "I own a fashion company, Ms. Roberts. You also sit in front of me every day for hours, I've noticed your style. White crop tops are your thing." 

You weren't sure how to take that, but the smirk he gave afterward told you a lot. You took a sip of your water while he looked back at his computer. You couldn't even think of something to say back before your phone started to ring.

After fishing through your purse and seeing the contact, you answered the phone. "Hello, Mina." "Hey, girlie. Yo little man wanna talk to you." Before you could yell at her for calling you during work Isaiah's voice was in your ear.

"Hey, baby." "Hi, Mama." You could tell his little ass hadn't taken a nap by the way he was talking. "You being good for Aunt Mina?" He didn't say anything, but you assumed he was nodding. "Okay, why'd you wanna talk to Mommy?" "I miss you."

You awwed, wanting to hug him so bad. He wasn't really sick anymore, but you did enjoy your time with him. "I miss you too baby, I'll see you when I get off. Now give the phone back to Aunt Mina." "Okay, bye Mama." "Bye Isaiah."

You heard him faintly talking to Mina before she was back on the phone. "Before you wanna call me at work, text me." "I know and I'm sorry but girl the way he was asking was too cute! I couldn't tell my little buddy no." You playfully laughed before telling her goodbye and hanging up.

But looking up brought you back to reality, where you made awkward eye contact with your boss. "Uh... sorry?" You didn't really know what to say to him, just stare at him. "You have a son?" Bakugou asked, clearly trying to cut the tension.

"Oh, yeah." "You look young to have a son." You made a face at him because he was giving very much backhanded compliment. "I'm 28, I'm plenty grown to have a baby. How old are you anyway? You look young to be running a company." "I'm 33."

You were taken aback by that answer, looking at him with shock. "You sure that's yo age?" "Pretty sure, I've been the same age since April 20th." He laughed at your expression, looking at you comprehend his age. This man did not look five years older than you.

"I guess we both look too young for our age." You just nodded. It wasn't like he was old, five years was nothing. But you thought he was at least 29. Not no damn 33. He was the real definition of a young face.

The beeping of your apple watch threw you out of your confused trance, telling you it was now 3:45. "You set timers now?" "Yeah, they help me keep track of yo no-break having ass." Bakugou snickered as you got up and walked toward him.

You did the same thing you'd been doing: turn his chair so he looked directly at you. It was more of a joke this time since he hadn't really been working since you'd come back in. 

"It's time for your break sir." You smiled at him, before standing up. But you didn't make it far since he grabbed your wrist. You didn't have time to say something, because he pulled you back down and kissed you. 


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