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𝚢/𝚗'𝚜 𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝

𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟶𝚝𝚑 @ 𝟽:𝟸𝟿 𝚙𝚖

You hadn't expected your workday to go as it did

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You hadn't expected your workday to go as it did. You needed a drink and a talk with your girls. Hopefully, you still had a job tomorrow and your boss didn't fire you for inappropriate workplace conduct or whatever that shit was called. 

When you into your apartment you didn't expect to see Jacob and Isaiah on the couch. "What yall going here?" They both turned to look at you, Isaiah jumping up and running towards you. "Mommy!

You had to hurry up and bend down so he could run into your arms. This little dude could take out legs if he really wanted to. "He wanted to say bye," Jacob said while grabbing Isaiah's bag. 

"Aww, you wanted to say bye to Mommy?" He nodded and started laughing as you kissed his cheeks. He was being extra clingy lately. Probably because you'd started working a lot more.

Jacob walked up to you, eyeing you up and down. "You looking all pretty just for work." "It's called being professional." "Didn't know this counted as professional." He poked your titty, and you smacked his hand away.

"You lucky my son right here." "You wasn't gon do nun if he wasn't." Jacob grabbed Isaiah before going to the door. "Bye, Mommy!" Isaiah waved at you, and you waved back as they left.

You let a couple of seconds pass before loudly groaning and going to the fridge. You grabbed the wine and a glass before going to Mina's door and opening it. "Damn niggas don't knock anymore?" "I help pay rent so niggas don't need to knock."

You opened Ochako's door too, seeing her side-eye you. "Bitch don't look at me like that. Both of yall get the fuck up and come here." You walked into your room, changing into your pajamas as they both walked in.

"So what the fuck is this about?" You gestured to the bed while pouring your wine. They both looked at each other before going to sit down. "Why you actin all inconspicuous?" Ochako asked while fixing your pillows.

"I made out with my boss today." You turned to look at them, seeing the wide-eyed looks on their faces as you sip your drink. "Ain't no fuckin way." "There was a pause before they both started screaming.

"BITCH NO WAY GIVE US THE DETAILS!" You had to hold out your wine glass while they grabbed your other arm and shook it. "Damn calm the fuck down! We don't need another noise complaint!" They started to whisper-yelled and shook you softer.

You pulled your arm away before taking another sip. These two were too much sometimes. "So basically after Mina called it we started chatting and shit but then his break comes up and when I go to tell him he kissed me. If it was any other nigga I would've smacked the shit outta him but he fine as fuck so I kissed him back."

They both ouu'd while snapping. "So we kissing and whateva and I sit on his lap cause I'm just tryna get comfortable. But this when I realized how big this nigga was. Like I sit down and my forehead hitting his fucking chin."

The three of you laughed before you continued. "So I gotta get up on my knees and shit inna chair and we keep kissing. He start pulling on my waist and a lil tongue was involved but then some nigga gon start knocking on the door." "Boo! Fuck that nigga!"

You smacked Mina's arm as she groaned. "Sorry but shit was getting good! What happened next?" "What happened next was a got my ass up and answered the door like my bosses tongue wasn't just in my mouth. He got called into some meeting and I didn't see him again."

Both girls groaned before laying back. "Bitch that was so anti-climatic." "How you think I felt after he left? My ass was just sitting there doing work until it was time to leave." Ochako leaned her head on Mina's hip as she looked at you.

"So what's yo gameplan? Cus by the sound of it he want you." Mina nodded while grabbing the wine. "In my opinion you need to get that rich nigga dick." You rolled your eyes as they both high-fived. 

"You bitches are too much sometimes. I still need to make sure I got a damn job tomorrow." You grabbed the bottle before Mina could waterfall it, just pouring some into the cup and giving it to her.

"Don't worry about it. Just let him suck a lil coochie and tell him he needs you." "Mina I'm not taking any of yo damn advice." "You say that, but my tactics get us free drinks at the club." Ochacko smacked her lips as she looked up at Mina.

"Girl we get free drinks because yo boyfriend works there." "How the fuck you think we start dating? A bitch had to lay it on him first." You started clapping to get their attention back on the subject at hand.

"We ain't here to talk about Mina's sex life." "You right, we here to talk about yours. We need to get your boss to fuck you." "Bitch that is not the conversation we're having." You mugged Mina before sighing. A good night's rest was definitely needed.

 A good night's rest was definitely needed

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