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𝙳𝚢𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚍𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜

𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟽𝚝𝚑 @ 𝟿:𝟶𝟶 𝚊𝚖

Kissing and ditching should be a fucking crime

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Kissing and ditching should be a fucking crime. Your boss had gone to New York for a trip, and that left you here, alone. In fairness, he hadn't known he was going. It was a random business meeting that was too urgent to miss.

The downside, it has been a week since you'd seen him. The upside, you got to play boss. Sit on his side of the desk, take calls, run meetings, you were basically running the place. It was definitely a hassle, but you'd gotten used to it after a couple days.

It was another Monday morning, but today you only had to work half a day. It was them compensating for keeping you late Friday night and making you come in on the weekend. That also meant you got to dress how you wanted today because if they could keep you late, you could dress comfortably.

[𝙊𝙪𝙩𝙛𝙞𝙩 𝙄𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙤]

If anyone had a complaint, they could kiss the bottom of your foot

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If anyone had a complaint, they could kiss the bottom of your foot. It was Texas, it was hot, you wore what you pleased. By the time lunch rolled around it would probably be hot as hell. That's why you always packed a tank top in your car. This weather was either hot or hell most days.

As you stood in the elevator, you wondered what bossly tasked they'd have you do today. One day you spent a damn hour looking at fabrics and deciding if they were nice or not. It was definitely a bizarre ass job. 

You counted how many times a person at you as you walked through the hallway, and it was only two today. It was considered a personal low as you opened the office door. You stopped in your tracks as you looked at your desks and saw your boss sitting there.

"Look who finally decided to show up." He looked at you, chuckling at your words as you sat down. "Yeah, sorry. There was some issue with a store opening in New York. Didn't think it was going to be gone that long."

He kept looking at you, but you just opened your laptop and got to work. "Are you mad at me?" "It's nine am, we'll see how I feel later." You didn't really plan on playing hard to get, but if he knew you were easy then there wasn't any fun in it.

Time passed, and the two of you worked in silence. There was a couple of phone calls, but there was nothing in between them. Time definitely did dwindle on, but the 11:30 timer beeping on your watch told you it was break time.

You looked at your boss, seeing his red eyes glued to his screen. You got up and went to his side, doing the usual and turning his chair. Snapping out his trance, he looked at you and put his hands on top of yours.

You looked down at them before going back to his eyes. "I actually am sorry for just leaving you like that." "You mean leaving me to do your job or leaving me after kissing me?" "Both." You nodded before standing back up.

He stood up with you, and this was the first time you'd stood up next to him. He was a couple of inches taller than you, but damn was he tall. You were shorter than 5'5, but he was a good six feet something. 

"So do you forgive me?" You crossed your arms, but in reality, your stomach was doing fucking flips. "We'll see." Katsuki gently scoffed, moving some of the papers in a pile on his desk before turning back to you.

"When is my break over?" "Eleven fifteen. You got twelve minutes." "Good." He grabbed your waist and picked you up, setting you on the desk. His chair was grabbed and raised so when he sat down you were at eye level.

Your heartbeat was bursting in more than one place as his hands spread out across your thighs. "Think I can make it up to you?" Instead of responding, you pulled him closer and kissed him. He slightly chuckled into the kiss while running his hands up your thighs.

This was definitely against some work laws, but fuck it. If a bitch wanted to kiss her boss, she was going to. Your hands rested on the side of his face as you kissed him, his tongue sliding into your mouth while his head tilted.

You had to admit, kissing a nigga that wasn't your baby daddy was nice. Especially since your boss knew what he was doing. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer, your knees falling into the chair as you moved closer to him.

The seat was lightly moved back to help you move more comfortably while the kiss continued. You felt his hand move to your ass, and when he grabbed it your back slightly arched and you slightly moaned into the kiss.

Before he could mention it, someone had knocked at the door. You really didn't give a fuck who it was. You weren't about to get interrupted a second time. "Miss Roberts-" He spoke as the kiss broke, but your lips met again. "Miss Ro-" It happened again, the knock coming back a bit louder. "y/n."

Okay, two things caught you off. The first was that he called you by your first name. The second was that he slapped your ass. You pulled away and looked at him. "Answer the door, please." You nodded before getting up, fixing yourself before opening the door.

"Mr. Bakugou in here? I heard he was back." A man stood at the door, a folder in his hand. "He's on his break right now. I can leave a message though." The man sighed before handing you the folder. You nodded before closing the door. "Anything important?" "Some folder from some guy."

You put it on the desk, looking at your watch. "It's only eleven thirty-seven sir. You still got eight minutes left." The look on his face told you what he wanted to do for the next eight minutes. And shit, you were down. So you sat back on his lap and the kiss continued.

 So you sat back on his lap and the kiss continued

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