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𝚢/𝚗'𝚜 𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝
𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟷𝟺𝚝𝚑 @𝟿:𝟺𝟶𝚊𝚖
𝚢/𝚗'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

"Wake up Mama." These were words I had heard a lot in the morning. Along with tiny hands smushing my face, and opening my eyes to see my little boy's face right in front of me. "Good morning baby," I said quietly, moving his hands so I could rub my eyes. He was always up so early, which meant I was up too.

"You hungry?" "Yes! Pancake sandwich?" That was his way of asking for Mcdonald's, and while usually, I'd say no I could use a caramel frappe. "Sure stinka butt." "Yay!" He got up and rolled off my bed, which thank god is low, and ran out the door. Knowing Isaiah, he was going to put his shoes on before I even got out of bed.

I'm not used to having him on the weekends. But now that Jacob has him throughout the week I get to watch him. He's starting daycare next week which is bittersweet. I'm happy he's gonna start to get a good education, but it also means I'm still seeing him less. 

"Come on Mama!" "Boy don't rush me! That's why yo shoes on the wrong feet." He looked and pouted before sitting on the floor to fix it. I didn't like how independent he was getting either. Not in a weird way like those boy moms be, it's just hard when ya lil man isn't so lil anymore.

It didn't take us long to get to McDonald's, and I was nice and got sum for Mina cus I'm a good friend like that. Ochako was visiting her parents for the weekend, so Mina's been especially clingy lately. "Hash Mama?" "You know you can't eat in the car baby, once you're better at holding stuff." "Okay, Mama."

I think he's getting better with words, specifically names, because if he's talking to you he's using your name at the end. It's honestly really cute. What wasn't cute was when I opened the door Isaiah yelled "Dada!" while running in. Once I pushed it open all the way I saw Jacob picking up Isaiah and hugging him. 

"Hey, lil man! You ready to go?" "Go? Go where?" I asked while locking the door. "Remember, it's Jay's  birthday." Oh shit, I forgot it was his cousin's birthday. Isaiah was two years younger than Jay, but they were close as hell. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Baby, give Auntie Mina her breakfast." "Okay, Mama."

Jacob put him down, and it was so cute seeing him run up to me and reach up for the food. "Be careful with it." I know Mama." He was practically hugging the bag as he waddled to Mina's door, then he said "Knock knock." Since his hands were full. "Who the fu- OH food and baby!" She picked him up and went back into her room.

Jacob sighed and sat on the couch, cus he knew it'd be a minute before Mina let him go. Looking over at Jacob sitting on his phone, I realized... he was kinda fine. After my whole sexcapde thing with my boss, when I went to work that week the nigga was gone! He went to fucking Arkansas, who the fuck buys clothes in Arkansas?!

That wasn't the real point though. The point was that I was upset that we'd do sum then he'd up and leave without saying a word. He's not my man or anything, but it still feels inconsiderate. You can't give a woman good dick and then up and leave, it just gives me the invitation to start fucking on whoever. And by whoever I mean my baby daddy.

"You don't gotta stay in here, I'm finna lay back down." "Is Ms. y/n being nice?" "Don't get used to it nigga. Either you coming or not." He laughed a lil bit, and we both walked into my room. I didn't close the door, but it was cracked just a lil bit. I took off my hoodie and boots before laying face first on my bed. I felt Jacob sit down, but the nigga was damn near on the edge.

Of course whenever I wanna be left alone he's all over me, but now that I wanna be touched on he's as quiet as a mouse. "Why you so far away?" I looked up at him while he was scrolling on his phone. He peeked at me, then sighed before taking off his shoes and laying down. I got on top of him, putting my head on his chest and listening to his heart.

In any other context I'd be all like 'aww this cute' but I'm tryna fuck. So I grabbed his chin and made him look at me. "What you want y/n?" "Damn I can't want yo attention? You talking to sumbody else?" "One, if I was talking to sumbody else I wouldn't be in yo bed, Two, we're not together anyway so why would it matter?" Damn, he had a point.

"I was just asking, sorry. You the one who's always touchy and shit, ion know how to seduce you." He laughed a lil bit before putting his phone down to look at me. "My bad ma, but if we start sum now I know we not gon finish, and I don't need to think about fuckin you at a four-year-old's birthday party. Also, you know you don't gotta do much to seduce me, I'm down bad for ya."

Aww, when he wasn't annoying he could be really fuckin sweet. I scooted up a bit and kissed his cheek, cus yeah getting blue balls and then spending hours with kids doesn't sound fun. "When you bringing Zay back?" "Prolly tonight if he wants to, I know the weekends are yall time." Before I could say sum I heard vibrating, and since his phone wasn't moving I guessed it was mine.

I had to feel around the covers for a bit, but once I found it I realized the string of messages I was getting. "Damn ma who blowing you up like that?" I was reading the messages, and once I was done I couldn't do shit but groan. "Fuuuuuuck, it's work. They want me to come in tomorrow to help with the shoot, some models keep complaining about shit and nothing's getting done."

"Is that even like, in yo job description?" "I'm the boss's assistant if he's out then I have the authority to do shit." "Damn, I mean that's kinda cool, but that's ass you gotta come in on yo day off." "I know! I already don't see my baby enough, and they act like I don't have a fuckin life, and just- fuck!" I was getting overwhelmed, cus in reality, I wanted to quit but I need the money. I also got into a situationship, which is fucking stupid cus I took the job for my son not to start fuckin on my boss.

I really wanted to cry, and I felt really warm, but then I felt arms wrap around me. "It's alright ma, just breathe." He started to lightly rock me, which is just something you learn when having a rowdy baby. "How bout after the party we come back, we can watch Kung Fu Panda cus Zay is really into that right now, you can have him for the night and I'll pick him back up in the morning, how does that sound?" 

Even though Jacob could be annoying, he always seemed to have my back.

[a/n: I just wanted to give some look in on y/n and Jacob's dynamic, how we feeling ab these longer chapters?]

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