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𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘴
𝘈𝘶𝘨𝘶𝘴𝘵 15𝘵𝘩 @11:22 𝘢𝘮

If you hated going to work early, you hated working early on your day off. You wished your boss wouldn't decide to take these absences of leave, because how the fuck were you supposed to help with a photoshoot? How the fuck did your boss do it? You were about to find out today.

It took about ten minutes to find parking since the studio was not a part of the building you worked in. When you walked into the studio you saw a lot going on. An array of models putting on makeup, getting clothes on, and taking pictures, but you figured your spot was where none of this was taking place.

There was a really tall woman having a standoff with Monoma, a guy you couldn't stand and was probably the one who called you in. "Good morning all." You said while setting your purse on a chair. "It's almost noon." "But it isn't yet, so again, good morning." God, that man always acted like he was better than everybody. As if he didn't need your help.

"So, what's the issue here?" Before the model could speak Monoma opened his mouth, but you put up your hand and looked at the model. "Go ahead." You smiled at her, which made her feel seen for once on this damn set. "So, my stylist is stuck in Japan because of some flight issues and she won't make it by the time the shoot ends. Of course, time is money, and while I'm 24 and can fully dress, your colleague believes he knows women's wear better than a woman."

Now you looked at Monoma, gesturing for him to speak whatever sorry excuse he had prepared. "I've been watching Mr. Bakugou for years now, I know he envisions his work like the back of my hand. I believe I know what's best when it comes to things like this." You nodded for a second before turning back to the model.

"What's your name hun?" "Yaoyorozu, but most people call me Momo." "Okay Momo, what would you wear for a shoot like this?" You could see a small smile break on her face, meanwhile, Monoma looked absolutely shocked. She walked over to the rack of clothing near her station and began looking through it.

"Well, it's an autumn shoot, and it's supposed to feel like a home vibe like it's nice and warm and you just want to chill. So, I picked out this." She pulled out a light brown turtleneck along with a black leather skirt. "I know it's simple, but we aren't selling runway couture, we're selling autumn." You nodded, putting the fit together in your head. "I like it, go put it on." Her mouth could've ripped in two the way she was smiling. 

"I think you're making a mistake." You couldn't help but huff before turning to Monoma. "You can't just-" "What do you do?" The question fumbled his thoughts a bit, but he collected himself. "I oversee photoshoots, make sure they go as needed and file work when it's done." "Right, so why the fuck do you think you can tell her what to wear?"

"Excuse me?" "Excuse your self, you may do whoever the fuck knows, but I'm Mr. Bakugou's assistant. If he's not here, I'm him nigga. Last I checked you weren't the one they called on their off day to come up here and solve this issue. In fact, you're the main problem. So I suggest you stick to doing whatever the fuck you're supposed to, cus I'm the bitch who makes your checks."

He was silent, mouth slightly agape, and you smiled at his shock. "Now, if that's all you needed, I will be going back home." You turned on your heel and walked out the door. It always made your day when you got to check somebody, and now you could go back home and get the sleep you desperately needed. No more movie binge nights with Isaiah. If he wanted to watch all the Kung Fu Panda movies, it'd be during the day.

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