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𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚐𝚘𝚞'𝚜 𝙰𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝
𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟷𝚜𝚝 @ 𝟷𝟶:𝟶𝟻 𝚊𝚖
𝚢/𝚗'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

Waking up after good sex is always a refresher. Makes ya crack ya back a lil better and the stretch feels just right. But I didn't like that I looked over and no one was there. I let out a yawn, and that's when I smelled the food. Mainly bacon and a bitch lived bacon.

I sat in the huge ass bed and felt the covers between my fingers. I wanted a bed like this. If not the bed, then the fucking comforter. I gotta ask him where he got this from. Speaking of him, I needed to see the bomb-ass breakfast he was making.

When I got outta the bed, I noticed he put slides there for me. They was too big, and I didn't feel like flopping around, so I just walked out barefoot. Then regretted it cus the floor was cold as fuck. Eh, too fucking late not. So my feet padded against the floor and down the steps, and I followed the smell to the kitchen.

He was standing there, flipping pancakes in the same outfit, and damn was it hot. "Good morning. Didn't think you'd sleep in like that." I just shrugged while sitting at the bar. "I sleep like a bear after good sex, consider it a compliment." 

He laughed before handing me a plate. It was chocolate pancakes, bacon, hash browns, potatoes, and sausage. "Damn this looks good." The second he handed me silverware I started digging in.

"You want some coffee?" I shook my head, cus coffee was fucking nasty, so he offered orange juice instead. I used to not fuck with it, but after having a kid I got into it. Apple juice still better. "I've never seen anyone eat my cooking this fast."

I couldn't tell if it was a compliment or a sneak diss, but the food was bomb so I didn't care. "Happy you like it, I don't usually cook American breakfast." "Well, ya did good. A true Jack of all trades." He smiled, sat on the other side of the bar, and started eating.

Breakfast like this made me miss Isaiah. He loved to grab the biggest chunk of pancake and try to shove it in his mouth. Then either I or Jacob would have to pull it out and make him take smaller bites. He was getting so big, and I missed him so much.

"You're zoning out." I looked at him, realizing that yeah, I did, and focused back on him. "Sorry, I was thinking about Isaiah." "How's he doing?" I was taken aback a little bit, cus no one really asked about him. "He's good, thanks to you he'll be going to a nice preschool in a couple of weeks."

He smiled, not smug or anything, but it was genuine. "That's good, he deserves it. You both do really, you're the best assistant I've had. Most of them don't keep up the way you do." "You mean work-wise or sex-wise? Cus if you do the whole fuck and breakfast thing with all your assistants we're gonna have to talk."

Now he was back to the little snide laughs. "No, I don't fuck my other assistants. I certainly don't cook them breakfast, but you're special." "Aww, that makes my little heart all happy." He was really a sweet guy, but he was still my boss.

I wasn't really sure what to think of all this, but it was nice to live in the moment. But my mind kept drifting to my little boy. I missed his fat little face and the way he never gave me personal space. "Would you like to go home?"

The question caught me off guard, but it was almost eleven. And I know them hoes gon be asking me a hundred and one questions about why I wasn't home. "Normally I wouldn't fuck and leave... No, I'm lying I tend to do that, but I miss my baby." He nodded before grabbing my plate and cup and heading to the sink.

"There are clothes in a bag in the bedroom, I just had to guess your size so sorry if it doesn't fit." Honestly, I stopped listening at clothes. I zoomed my way up the stairs to find the bag. I found it, and when I pulled the paper back a bitch almost died from bougie.

"Damn this nice..." I found my way to the bathroom and grabbed some towels before taking a shower. All he had was man soap, but thankfully it was unscented. After I got out and dried off I got dressed. The fit definitely made everything sit nice and tight.


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"Yeah... You looking nice Ms. Roberts." I grabbed my clothes and put them in the bag the new clothes were in. I put my hair in a ponytail before making my way down the steps. "Everything fit good?" "You tell me?" I did a little spin, and he just had this big ole grin.

"There's a car waiting outside for you. Do you need me to come along?" "Nah, you've done enough. Breakfast was great, and hopefully, I'll see you at work on Monday." I gave a quick goodbye before walking out the door. Now to deal with those crazy ass hoes at my house.

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