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Sidd was driving the car recalling all the moment how he again got in touch with her. How they were together doing their work. This case also grew the feeling of siddharth for her and he decided he is gonna confess it today...

Whereas Avu was calmed a bit and relieved that after all she could take revenge for all the girls who lost their lives for the bastard and had a soft smile on her face when she felt to ask sidd where he is leading him to?

Avu: sidd where are we going?

Sidd: to my favourite beach

Avu: oh really I was wondering if we can visit a beach now and see my wish is going to be fulfilled.

Sidd: I'm always there to help you in achieving your wishes and dreams


Sidd: here we are?

Yaa hoo I squiled. We went near a big rock infront of a coconut tree and sat their. Those shores were music to our ears and that sparkling moon made the scene more refreshing. I rested my head on his shoulder and was admiring the veiw when he stood up and ran some where then he came back and dragged me to the middle of the beach. Before I could say anything he kneeled down infront of me. I was a bit shocked to see her that way . Ik I can burst out anytime but have to control don't wanna ruin the moment.

Sidd: so miss kaur, ik I made you wait for so many years actually I never saw you in that way but as we loose contact I knew the value of yours what you were to me. I tried to call you but couldn't contact. I'm blessed to god and miss tobby who made us again together. So now I wanna confess that I really did fall you , your gesture, your cuteness , your beautiful heart and your pure soul.  You know I never regretted being close to you but they always made me more and more closer to you. I wanted to say you before only but the case was important. So ms.kaur do you want to be Mrs siddharth nigam for whole life?

I was out of words their was a lump formed under my throat but I somehow managed to say in a cracked voice that yes I wanna and within seconds I hugged him tight. He was twirling me shouted that I'm his and he is mine . Atlast I'm happy that he confessed . I love him truly and I'm blessed to have him.

We sat down on our footwears keeping it on the sand  we talked then went to the shore played with water a bit when he pulled me resulting me to collide with his heavy toned chest. He move my face to look at him hold my chin with his thumb . I blushed and those pool of hazel nuts attracting me to get desolve in them.

He slowly slowly came closed to me . Our breathe tangling. And then he attached his lips on mine sparks ran through my body . I clutched on his shirt more tighter and within no seconds we started kissing eachother like it's the end of the world. It was a full 10 min kiss. We parted and held eachother hand and move to the car heading back to home..


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