first kiss

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Bonus chapter

Previously.. ap jake padhlijiye..

So now , as sidneet disappeared they didn't went back to their friends they decided to go for a long drive.

Avu: sidd , where we will go.

Sidd: Avu you know I don't like to poke in other business so let's go through the highway and will reach the Starbucks and will come back.

Avu : ok mister

They went inside the car and sat . Sidd was going to on the ac when Avu hold his hand and went closer to him and said " sid I don't want ac I want natural wind " sid gulped and came back to their position . Avu rolled down the window and fortunately wind was blowing faster and there was black cloud in the sky.

Avu: sidd it seems like baarish hone wali hai..

Sidd: but thank god where bhaiya bhabhi are there is roof above.

Avu. Yup

Sidd: so ready

Avu: yaay she hified

They were driving and due to the air Avu was a bit shivering so sid parked the car at the road side and made her wear his jacket.

Avu: sidd will you not feel cold

Sidd: noo I'll not

Avu smiled.

They went to Starbucks and had their fav
Mocha Frappuccino. Sidd was sipping his drink when Avu excused and went to the wash room on her way she saw 3 boys looking at her but ignored and went inside. As she stepped out one of those boys caught her hand.

B1 : hey girl will you mind to be on bed with me .

Avu being scared but still kept her bold face and said : yes I'll mind so now leave .

B2 : oh wow she is bold she will be just awsm in bed.

B3 caught her and was gonna kiss when she pushed and shouted on top of her voice: SIDDDDHHHAARRRTHHHHH!!!!

There sidd was drinking when he jerked up after hearing the shout he ran to the wash room.

There B1 was going to kiss her when someone caught his collar and made him fall on the floor and starts beating mercilessly. Obviously it was our sidd . As B1 was unconscious he went to the other two and was beating when B3 was going to beat him from behind but he twisted his hand and slapped him . They got scared and took B1 and left.

After beating sidd ran up to Avu. He hugged her as tight as possible as if making it sure that noone can harm her until he is there. He was kissing her hairs repeatedly and made her look to him and kissed her forehead and said "no need to be worry I'm hear see" he consoled.

They went out of the Starbucks when Avu : sidd why not we use the short cut she hooted.

Sidd: ok then say me

Avu was leading them when sidd saw the petrol is gonna finish soon so he took u turn and straight drove to the nearest hotel . By then rain was falling Avu came out and starts dancing in rain . She dragged sidd and they both were dancing when sidd was just staring her , he shook his head and said to himself "what is this unknown feeling I'm feeling , ugghh " he mentally slapped him and picked Avu and  went to the hotel and unfortunately due to rain all room were booked expect one. So they took the keys and went up .

They entered the room .

Avu . . Sidd's what will I wear I'm wet.

Sidd: nothing

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