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Rachel's POV
"We're here." Elena chimed.

Finally. My leg must've been bruised by now. I lifted my leg up a little and massaged my calves.
It seems as if now, the only normal person is Elena.

Aqua and Scarlett seemed unusually serious.

"So, what do you want to show me?" I asked, turning my head around to them.

"There." Aqua pointed. I followed her finger.

"There's nothing there except for rocks and dirt."

"Look again." Scarlett said.

The background began to quaver a little, and I saw a hint of texture.

"Why can't I see it?" I asked, obviously still confused.

Elena rolled her eyes and blasted flowers up in the air. The flowers landed on something, but was floating in the air. Then it clicked in my head. "The building is invisible!"

Aqua nodded. "Let's go." She motioned us to come inside.
I stopped. "Umm, do you suppose, our mothers are inside?" I asked.
Scarlett turned around and nodded.

******inside the invisible building******
Scarlett's POV
Ugh. I don't remember that it was this cold in here. Is it just me? We walked through a tunnel, in which was super damp. Let's just say that it's not my favorite place in the world.

I still can't believe our mothers would do that. Kill Delmas. And turned into an evil spirit. Jarts already died, so he can't be the reason. I kept wondering more and more.

I was practically traumatized to hear the news.

I stopped at the entrance of the door and took a deep breath. It's now or never.


"Speck! Listen!" My master roared in my ear. "Someone's coming!"

"I don't—I don't hear anything..." I stuttered.

"Of course you don't here anything you dimwit! But I can." His gigantic teeth wobbled and showed itself when he spoke. It was terrifying.

His breath smelled like raw meat and garlic together. All these years, I had to serve him. And I never overcame the fears of his immense size, and his power. Besides, the worse thing about him was his hairy, stinky armpit, that I had to clean everyday. You heard right. CLEAN it. And guess what? Right after I clean it, he rubs his 'lotion' on it.

His "lotion" is made out of termites and sweat. That's enough to make you gag, and it ruins everything along with it. I despise him and to be honest, I was glad someone had entered his territory.

"Lock the doors and activate the devil!"
Not this again.....

"Yes, master." I said dragging my feet along the ground, but being quick at the same time. If I was moving slow, he would have toasted my butt right now.
Believe me, I know.

Oh, and one thing, he owns thousands of Devils. Creatures in hell.
Or should I say, OWNERS of hell. And he cloned them.

Scarlett's POV
"Try it again." Aqua encouraged.

"It's not opening. The door isn't opening." I said, my heart being faster. We only followed a devil in this building and had only took a step in it too, so all of this was new to us.
Especially this heavy door. We all pulled at the same time, but it wouldn't budge.

"What are we gonna do? What are we going to do?!" I paced back and forth. Rachel looked confused. "What's the rush?" She asked.

I know it wasn't like me to be panicking and I felt guilty for not telling her the truth.

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