Elemental Dragons

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Scarlett's POV
I paced continuously down the hallways and back again. What am I going to do. What am I going to do? I can't believe I punched him near his death!

You know what?

I'm just going to leave him here. It's his fault. He shouldn't have messed with me in the first place.

I felt a bit of guilt though.
Oh well.

I slid him over to the wall and sat him up. Then I muttered in his ear.

"Vanish memories. Vanish."
Just in case he actually does wake up.

When I finished clearing out his memories, I checked to see if there was any blood in my shoes and hurried to my classes.

"Where have you been?" Aqua asked.
I jumped, startled.
I did not see her there.
To be honest, I didn't see anyone for a few minutes, since I was too focused on Rick.

"Somewhere." I whispered.
She eyed me and continued her way on the other of the hall to her next class.

As soon as the bell rang, I headed out the door. "Where are you going?" Aqua questioned.

I jumped once again.
Would she quit scaring me?!

"Home." I said quickly.

She shook her head. "Delmas said that she is going to teach us something important today, and you can't miss it."

"UGH!" I whined, dragging my feet across the stone floor.

She smiled. "We're actually going to fight this time."

I grinned, for a second, forgetting about Rick.
"Fine. But it better be good."

_ _ _ _ _

"Girls!" Delmas clapped her hands together. "This is an important day.

We will learn how to use...the Elemental Dragons!!!"
I heard Rachel squeal as fog started circling around her.

"Is this part of the training?" I asked, scratching my head, and pointing to the fog.

"You'll see." Delmas answered.
She waved her hand a couple of times and a massive dragon appeared.

Aqua backed away in fright. It had a whisker on each side of his nostril and its scales reflected bright, yellow light.
I watched in amusement as it spread its wings to show off.

"Meet the Dragon of Light. My dragon. You must battle him, using your very own dragons. I will not teach you how to call upon your dragons, but your instinct will know.
If all of your dragons work together, it would be a cakewalk."

Elena gasped in admiration and Aqua gulped.

"Matter of fact, it would be 10x stronger than mine. And to answer your question Scarlett...no, the fog isn't related to this at all. Rachel was just so excited that she released fog herself.
But anyway, get ready. On the count to three. 1...2...3...GO!" She rushed us.

I dodged to the side as a lightning bulb zoomed at me, nearly 2 centimeters away from me.
I prayed that I won't die.

Suddenly, A flash of green light appeared
And a green dragon appeared.
The owner could only be one person.


I watched in awe as she transformed into a green maxi dress with a pink flower on her shoulder.
The side of her cheeks had a flower mark, and she was controlling the dragon as if she had done this all her life.
How did she call upon that dragon in just the beginning seconds of the battle?

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