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Aqua's POV
I was walking with Scarlett and Rachel when we overheard the same two snobby voice near our locker.
We peeked over to the other side and noticed the same two girls.

Jenny and Karen.

I'm surprised they even went to school with that mark on their forehead.

This Scarlett, I sighed.

They were yelling at some girl about spiders and ketchup...?

Haha what a weird combination.

Oh wait.

They must've thought that girl did the prank then.
Or maybe they don't even know and just have to take their anger out on someone.

Probably the second reason.

"What do we do? Just stand here and let an innocent get the blame?" I asked.

Scarlett nodded her head.
I smacked her.

She rolled her eyes and we went over in front of Jenny and Karen.

"WHAT DO YOU LOSERS WANT?" Jenny snapped.

What's with the word 'losers'?' They use it every time we bump into them.

Surprisingly, neither one of us knew what to say. What were we supposed to do again?

Scarlett suddenly spoke up with a look of satisfaction.

"Hey, that bruise looks pretty decent. What trouble did you get into this time?"

Karen and Jenny's face turned bright red.

"Well I mean, it turned out to look pretty decent."

"Just what do you mean by that?!" Karen retorted.
Wow, she was about to blow up.

"Nothing, I assure you. Don't worry about it." Scarlett smirked as she tossed a baseball up and down.

"DID YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THEY COST?! Our beautiful bags!!"

All three of us rolled our eyes. Literally to the back of our heads.

"Worry about your faces too. That went from nasty, to even more disgusting."Scarlett's face wrinkled and she gave me a quick glance.

I didn't realize what she was doing until now... She was buying us time.

I grabbed the girl's hand as Rachel and I sped through the hallways. "Meetcha at lunch" I whispered in Scarlett's ear.

Jenny and Karen didn't even notice the escape since they were bursting in tears over their designer purses.

Scarlett nudged them. "C'mon cheer up! At least you have a nice indent on your forehead. You can get famous! Look at the possibilities!"

"You...WITCH!" I heard Karen yell as Scarlett chortled, shoved her hands in her pocket, and ran to catch up with us.

************later in lunch
Rachel's POV
The girl we saved from the brats were walking with us.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked, after a minute of silence.

"Elena. You?" She spoke shyly.

"I'm Rachel. This is Aqua, and Scarlett."

"Oh. well, I just want to say thank you."

" No problem, besides, we owe you.......because we did it." Scarlett said wiggling her eyebrows.

"...oh uh well it's nice meeting you guys but it's time for me to go to lunch, so uh bye?" She said shyly.

"Ah you have lunch right now too?" Aqua pipped up. "Do you have anyone to sit with?" Aqua asked, stopping Elena when she was about to leave.

"Dolphin strikes again." Scarlett muttered.

"Um...yes?" Elena said, staring at the ground.

" you're lying"

"no I'm not"

"Just let the girl go." Scarlett huffed.

"yes you are" Aqua continued, ignoring Scarlett's remarks.

" no I'm not"

"See she said she's not." Scarlett tried again.

I rolled my eyes.

"yes you are" Aqua pressed.


" yay! Sit with us!!!" Aqua sang cheerfully.

"Oh lord." Scarlett face-palmed.

Crappy chapter Ik.

Here's the question:

Would you rather acquire the magic power of speed or super strength?

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