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No One's POV
The team stood there frightened as Scarlett placed her foot apart. "It's game time." She huffed.

Scarlett swiped her hand across like a match, and lit up the ground beneath the devils. The fire devil, also known as Scarlett's mother, easily wiped the terrifying flames away.

Aqua's eyes widened as Scarlett stumbled back, confused.
Aqua's hair grew blue highlights as she placed both her hands together.
The building shook as water suddenly blasted from the walls.
Before any of the devils could be drowned, Rachel's mother blocked the water and created a wind barrier around the other devils.

Obviously the first transformation of elemental magic was not powerful enough, and was time for the second level, Shock.

N/A: Second level: Shock
Found in an ancient book in Demroy, but was never tested out.

"Elementals transform now!" Scarlett yelled.

"But we are already transformed." Rachel whimpered.

"I meant the second level darn it!" Scarlett glared.
Everyone nodded and said their words.

"Water Shock!"
"Fire Shock!"
"Earth Shock!"
"Wind Shock!"

With a small blast, new clothes came upon them in which seemed very unfamiliar. These clothes gave them 5x the power and increases speed dramatically. The devils roared with anger and stampeded towards them.

Rachel created a wind barrier and sent them flying back. "Guys, can devils swim? I couldn't test it out since the wind devil blocked my attack." Aqua spoke while running.
"I don't know, but give it a try." Elena urged.

Aqua slashed her hand in midair and locked the sun devil in over flowing water. "Sorry Delmas, I guarantee you won't die." She whispered before running away.

"Elena how are you doing over there?" Aqua yelled.

"It's going great." Elena said smirking, while wiggling her eyebrows.
Aqua glanced at her in confusion and Elena moved to the side, revealing her accomplishments.

There, was her Aqua's and Rachel's mother tied up in a bunch of vines, trying to chew their way out.
Elena gave the devils a glare and wrapped 10 more layers of vines around them, and tied their legs.

"Super!" Aqua yelled back satisfied.

Rachel got Elena's mother in a small shield containing powerful wind that held her back in the middle and didn't allow her to move. Suddenly, there was a yell.

"ACK! A little help here! My mother is ultra strong!" Scarlett hollered.

Aqua ran to the sound of her voice, finding the devil blasting Scarlett with fire while she's tied onto a pole. "I thought you weren't affected by fire." She said dully.

"Girl, just help me!" Scarlett choked out.
"This is some evil spell magic!"

Aqua's POV
I rushed to untie the rope that held Scarlett. How did she even get tied anyway?

When the devil saw this, she jumped up and tried to eat me.
But the new transformation made her seem quite slow, so I untied her and left the devil running so that she banged into the pole instead and laid there unconscious.

"Well that was easy. You should've tried to get a devil with a different element." I said in a 'mom' tone.

Elena, and Rachel came by my side. I looked up and smiled. "We did it." I whispered.

"Make the potion Elena." Scarlett suddenly blurted out, not looking happy, and probably distracting any of us from asking her any questions.
It's been pretty short chapters lately. I apologize m8.

But I'm wondering now:

If you were to have either the power of the elements:


Which one would it be?


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