The Truth

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Rachel's POV
" My parents have been really weird lately" I admitted to my friends.

" Whenever I came near them, they always get startled, even when I was always there the whole time. They would also walk in the opposite direction when they see me. It's like they're avoiding me or something. Did I do something wrong?"

We all stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"err I don't know. Maybe you stink." Scarlett said, shoving the burger in her mouth and grimacing afterwards.
"Did you ask them?" Elena asked.

" Of course! Why wouldn't I? Although they never even noticed."

"Well, to be honest...mine have been weird as well." Aqua added. "Let's ask our parents then."

"It's not gonna work, I tried it millions of times before." I said sadly.

"Push them for the answer then." Aqua replied.

We all nodded, except for Scarlett, still chewing down on the food. Is that even good?

But honestly, I was nervous to ask again. Not like nervous like you're about to puke. Like nervous that you are about to actually die of nervous syndrome and start being like a gorilla eating a rotten banana and then puking all over your crush's shirt and him getting all mad and cursing at you like hell nervous.

Wait what?

I shrugged off my rambling and decided I was going to ask them later today.

When I came home from school, I waited until we had finished our silent and uneasy dinner and I decided since we had a "happy" meal, to ask my parents.

My mom went to go fold the laundry while my dad went to drink his coffee and read his newspaper, like what he usually does. But before they do all this stuff, I stopped them.

" Mom, Dad, can we talk for a moment?" I stuttered.

"Uhhh, sure honey, but can you wait until later? I need to go do laundry." Mom answered first.

I gave her a glare.
"Really honey we're really busy and we just—okay what do you want to talk about?" A worried expression swept through their faces.

I continued. " Have you guys been avoiding me lately?"

" No, no, why would you think that?" They started walking away again with their backs turned.

"Well, it's........OBVIOUS. I mean, put it this way, you guys are terrible actors. OF COURSE YOUVE BEEN AVOIDING ME! See, You're doing it now!" I said without even thinking about what I should say next.

My mom and dad nodded at each other and my mom said patiently," Sweetheart, we're not avoiding you, I swear." She paused and I eyed her.

She was playing with her ring. She only does that when she's lying. I eyed her even harder, and my eyeballs are about to pop out.
At the same time my heart was beating as fast as a train.

"Okay, you got us. We have to tell you something we should have told you long ago."

My dad started." We never wanted to hurt your feelings but...we're not your REAL parents, and we don't know who they actually are. "

"So you found me in a garbage can?" I questioned.

"No honey, not a garbage ca-"

I pulled out my phone really quick and updated my status on twitter.
Today I found out that my parents found me in a garbage can. #ForeverAloneEvenAtBirth

I giggled. "So did I stink? Of course I did. Hahaha Mom, Dad, I'm sorry I gave you an effort to clean my stinkiness off." I started laughing.

I, myself, had no idea why I was laughing. WHY WAS I LAUGHING WHEN I FOUND OUT HORRID NEWS?! Wiping away tears in the corner of my eyes, I spotted them with puzzled faces.

I forced myself to finally stop and ask some questions. " Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"We thought that it wasn't the right time to tell you. But I was wrong. You're 17 now. You deserve to know the truth."My Mom said, tears rolling down her eyes.

"Hit us as much as you please. You could even leave right now. Take whatever you want. We'll understand if you don't forgive us, but you'll always be in our hearts Rachel!" My dad joined in with my mother's melancholy. Soon, cries filled the small home.

Oh lord. But, that's an advantage.
"Take whatever I want eh? I will." I said, grinning widely.

I set my gaze on two things.


Oh who am I kidding? I thought as i took out a 50 dollar bill from the wallet and stole my mom's chicken.

She looked up at the chicken with pain in her eyes. "I saved that for me." She squeaked.

I chuckled as I ripped her a piece.

Now my dad looked at the 50 dollar bill. "I could buy so many lottery tickets with that..." He murmured as I tuck it in my pocket, satisfied.

"Say...Rachel...." My mom paused.

I looked up at her as if to say 'what'.

"You were surrounded with a layer of...well...I don't even know what it is...but it looked like a tornado." My eyes widened.

How is that even possible?
Back at it again with another chapter

Today's question:

A. Would you rather walk a a block with millions of nails place on the ground?
B. Get trapped in a room with 20 venomous spiders?


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