A serious talk

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You and severus have gotten back in the swing of things you helping him in the classroom and the students getting used to everything again it's been two weeks and you can tell something is up with severus so you decide to ask him what's wrong and what has been bothering him

Your pov :

as the students are working and severus is sitting at his desk you decide to confront him you walk up front and lean against his desk " severus is everything all right you seem to be bothered by something " he looks up at you then looks behind you " mister longbottom needs help " he says avoiding your question you walk over to neville with a sigh " is everything all right what do you need help with " you ask but he shakes his head " I-I didn't ask for help "

You tilt your head and then turn around to notice that severus is now gone and you growl a little " that little imp " you say as you walk back to his desk " I guess I'll take over from here " you say and once the class is finished you leave finding severus in one of storage closets " severus I need to speak with you "

" I'm quite busy " he says sorting stuff in the closet " can you put this on the bottom shelf " he says handing a bottle to you " alright but then we have to talk " you say as you bend down placing the bottle on the shelf not knowing severus has quietly gotten down from the ladder he was on and has snuck away until you turn around to look at him " SEVERUS TOBIAS SNAPE " you yell out getting very angry at him

You look at your watch and see it's time for supper so you make your way to the great hall you notice severus is in his seat so you make your way and sit beside him " severus i am serious we need to talk " you say your anger showing in your tone " now is not the time (y/n) let's eat " he says as he takes a bite of his food

You sigh " fine but after we need to talk " you say then start to eat severus finishes his food quickly and quickly leaves you stop eating and try to follow him so you can talk to him but he is already long gone you sight and decide to go to the classroom first to see if he's there but he's not you then check yalls bedroom but he's not there you check his supply closests but he's not in those

You start to get aggravated and head to the astronomy tower you look around and no one is up there with you so you walk over to the ledge and look out enjoying the view you decide to just go back to yalls room and wait for him there

Severus pov:
I walk to dumbledore's office tired of trying to avoid (y/n) I knock on the door and walk in I go and sit down leaning my head with a sigh " what's the problem severus why are you so tired " dumbledore asks I sigh a little " I've been avoiding (y/n) all day I'm getting tired of it " I say slowly looking back at him " well why are you avoiding her " he says as he stand from his desk and walks over to the seat beside me

" well dumbledore I want to get married to her but I'm afraid she might not want to with all that has happened " dumbledore laughs and shakes his head " severus I believe she still wants to marry you why else would she still be staying with you in your living area " I start to think and shrug a little " I don't know " he smiles and stands up patting my shoulder and going back to his desk " go talk with her "

I get up from my seat and head down my chambers hoping (y/n) is waiting for me I hesitantly walk in and see you sitting on the couch reading " (y/n) I know you know I've been avoiding our talk and I know you know something is bothering me so I'll tell you ...... I've been worried that after everything that has happened that you no longer want to marry me " I say as I walk over snd sit beside you " before you say anything I want you to know that I still want to marry you I love you with all my heart I'm not good at showing how I feel but with you it's easy to show how I feel I'm comfortable around you I can truly be myself around you and I know you will never judge me ...I'm finished now " I say looking down

Your POV:

You listen to severus and slowly smile " severus I love you too and I feel the same way and I still want to marry you i believe you are Wesley " you say with a laugh and severus laughs as well " you wasn't joking that is your favorite movie well then you are my buttercup " he says with a smile  you giggle and hug him and giving him a kiss on the cheek afterword " let's go to bed darling " he says standing up taking your hand " alright let's go " you say smiling you both head upstairs and get into yalls pjs you both lay down and soon fall asleep in each other's arms

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