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You wait a few days and by days you wait a week but Draco keeps on asking .... you decide if he asks one more time you will say yes wells it's dinner time and it's four days before the masquerade ball you sit down and Draco instantly sits by you wrapping his arm around you and leans in asking again you sigh and feel someone stare again you look at Draco " fine yes I'll go with you " he smiles and gets up running out of the great hall yelling " my father will hear about this " but this wasn't a threat it was more so him happy you shake your head and Luna comes prancing over " hi (y/n) want to go to hogsmeade or diagon alley he can look for our dresses and masks " you smile and say " of course why not " great but we have to be back before noon cause everyone is learning how to dance with their head of house " you blush and nod " ok that's cool " Luna giggles " come on we have d.a.d.a " she grabs your hand and the both of you run off and leave after getting permission you both get the dresses and masks and come back before noon y'all eat dinner and dumbledore stands up and speaks " alright we are having dance lessons Slytherins in the slytherin common room cause it's big enough , gryffindors in the dark arts class room , hufflepuffs in here , and the ravenclaws outside alright now go on " every house leaves going where they are supposed to go besides the hufflepuffs you and every other slytherin goes to the common room the girls on one side and the boys on the other snape walks in dragging Draco in by his ear you turn away and slightly snicker " alright we will be learning to waltz like everyone else so I need a volunteer to come up and help " as he says this every girl steps back leaving you to be slightly ahead of them he hears them step back and looks over " alright miss ( l/n)  come on up " your eyes widen and you blush a bright pink you look around and mumble " scaredy cats snape isn't scary " you walk up to him he takes cape off laying it over the couch in the common room he takes his wand and moves the furniture out of the way and with one last flick of the wand the music starts up he takes your hand and pulls you a little closer he takes your other hand and sets it on his shoulder then he sets his hand on your hip and you both begin to dance as you dance you see something in his eyes something you've never seen but you can put your finger on it soon he looks at the class and nods and everyone begins to partner up Draco having to partner up with someone else and during the whole lesson he stares at you wishing to be dancing with you after an hour he stops the music " alright that is enough for today tomorrow we will be doing the same thing but learning different moves and don't groan or moan it isn't my idea it was dumbledore's have any complaints go complain to him not me " snape takes one last glance at you then takes his wand move the furniture back he grab his cape putting it on and leaving the common room you slowly go to your room and lay down thinking about what happened you smile and stretch out and soon fall asleep

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