Professor's pet

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You wake up you take a quick shower and get dressed you grab snape's cape and put it on you leave your hair down but brush it out then quickly make it down to breakfast you sit down and you see all of the professors eating snape gives you a look amusement in his eyes when he sees you wearing his cape you only smile and begin to eat dumbledore slightly chuckles when he sees the cape and after you eat you quickly go to your classes a few of your friends asking where you got the cape but you don't really say you go to potions and sit in the front with Luna like usual Draco and his goons sit behind you a few others walk in then students start to file in and sit down the golden trio sitting on the other side of the class room you give them a small wave and the door opens and snape walks in his cape flying behind him that's when Luna slowly looks over at and whispers "are you're wearing one of snapes capes...does he even know you're wearing it " you laugh quietly and nod your head you look at snape and he makes eye contact with you then continues to speak you mumble back to Luna " yes he knows he gave it to me last night cause I was cold and said to just keep it " her eyes widen and she looks away shocked you then look up to see snape he's pacing around and says " alright now can someone answer this Which ingredient is not used in the Shrinking Solution " hermione instantly raises her hand snaps sighs and says " yes I know you will know you're an insufferable know it all granger " you stifle a laugh and raise your hand he turns his head " miss (l/n) do you know the answer " he says surprise in his eyes as he looks over to you which makes you smile and nod your head and lower your hand " yes professor it's rotten egg " he nods his head and Draco says " stupid mudblood is the professor's pet pathetic " snape instantly looks back at him and growls " detention mister Malfoy you need to learn to be nice to your house mates you will be here tonight after dinner " he then turns away and papers appear on the desks " now here is a pop quiz " everyone groans but you instantly get done with the work knowing every answer you get up and walk to his desk setting the paper down he looks up at you @ you may be excused don't go running around go to the library, common room , or the dining hall " he says you nod your head but before you leave you see him look down at the ring you got as your present and you see a small smile appear but then disappear and you turn to leave his cape slightly flowing behind you cause you're not in a rush you leave and go to the library you lay down all the way in the back and fall asleep on a couch only to be woken up by Luna " wake up its dinner time " you stretch and follow her running down the halls you pass by snape and here a small chuckle when he sees the cape flying behind you you both walk in after calming down before the door and you both sit down and as everyone get there dumbledore stands up " we have some important news last night we found out that one of our students as actually a pure blood " you hear Draco say " hmmm a knew pure blood I'll have to tell my father " you gulp slightly and dumbledore gestures for you to stand up " it's miss (y/n) ( l/n) " there is shocked gasps everywhere and you now your head and sit back down you fell everyone's eyes on you including Draco's who's shocked dumbledore makes the food appear and everyone starts to eat while mumbling to themselves you eat but get tired of hearing the whispers about yourself and leave you quickly go the astronomer tower and you start to hum and dance holding the edges of the cape spinning around but then you hear a chuckle you turn to see snape " I see you're having fun with the cape " you blush and nod your head " y-yeah " you stutter he smirks and says " Anyway I'm here to ....caution you....someone has escaped Azkaban so dumbledore has told everyone a knew time to be in the dorms and in bed and you must be escorted " you nod your head and start to follow him down the stairs " who escaped " he looks away " for your safety and for you not to worry I'm not going to tell you " you sigh and nod " alright " he opens the painting and you step " goodnight professor " you smile he nods his head " not just yet I have detention with malfoy not a goodnight yet " he pinches the bridge of his nose and turns and walks away you giggled and shut the painting and go to your room laying down under the covers using the cape as a blanket again falling asleep

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