A new class and a knew friend

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The next day went as every other day but once you got done you quickly ran to the dark arts class room for your animagus class that professor mcgonagall is teaching you she helps you control your emotions ( *snape says * CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS *author rose laughs *) so you don't turn when you get mad but as you turn a black dog runs in then changes into a man you tilt your head as he says hi to  mcgonagall and then sees you " is this her ....my niece " he says she nods her head and says " please (y/n) change back "  you bow your head and close your eyes changing back you then open your eyes and look up at him " um hello sir " you say " hello you must be (y/n) I was informed that you are my niece who also is an animagus " he says you nod your head " yes sir I am " he smiles and laughs " please call me sirius or uncle black whatever you see fit and I know who your parents are so if you want you may move in with me " you smile and nod your head " really uncle ?" You say excited he laughs and nods his head " yes I don't mind " you hug him and mcgonagall slightly coughs and says " the lesson is over if you want you may do whatever you please " you smile and start to leave you change into your snow leopard and run off and out of hogwarts and change back slightly in the woods walking around when all of sudden

my niece " he says she nods her head and says " please (y/n) change back "  you bow your head and close your eyes changing back you then open your eyes and look up at him " um hello sir " you say " hello you must be (y/n) I was informed that you a...

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A black timber wolf runs out he slightly growls but then looks up at you and stops you smile and get down slowly inching your way to him and then start to pet behind his ears he calms down he tilts his head his eyes showing confusion all of a sudden a hand is on your shoulder you look back and see dumbledore " well hello (y/n) I see you found " he stops what he says when he sees the timber wolf shake his head no but when you follow his gaze and look back at the wolf he's just looking up at dumbledore then at you as if nothing happened and he continues to speak " a knew friend ....im sure that he'll be able to protect you " he smiles and pats the wolf on the head and turns to leave " hmmm I think I'll call you....Knight " you smile and pet the full but soon the wolf runs off and you shrug getting up and turning to leave the woods and head back to hogwarts

Knight POV:
#How stupid am I why did I do that !!# I growl and run off into the woods and pace around #she must not know who I really am until I make the decision to show her # I sigh and run back to hogwarts and threw a secret passage way to the dungeons I then enter potions and change back smoothing my robes back when the door opens revealing dumbledore " hello Severus...did you have a nice run " he snickers " yes and thank you for not telling her I decide when to tell her " I growl a little upset that I was caught he smiles and leaves
(A/n: ooooooo snape is an animagus too ...and a black timber wolf ...the biggest wolf ever !!! )

Word count : 565

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