Detention ? On the first day !!

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A/n : previously in my book ; " Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention! " he says in an aggravated tone

You watch him as he walks over to you and says " if you do not pay attention or worse disrupt my class room you will get detention ... do... you " he says slow his low monotone voice causing you to get chills you quickly nod your head and mumble a quick " yes professor " he turns and walks back to his desk and tells everyone what potion you all will make he then points his wand at a door and it u locks opening showing ingredients for all the students to get but you notice his wand # hey wait his wand ...OH MY GAWD ...I HAVE THE SAME WAND AS HIM # you think to yourself you see him turn his head to look in your direction so you grab Luna's hand and get up taking her to get the ingredients for yalls potions while whispering to her " I need help Luna " she gives you a weird look and whispers back as you both get your ingredients after everyone else have " what's wrong (y/n) what do you need help with " you look around and whisper " I have a crush on ......someone..." she is about to say something but you both jump when a monotone voice speaks up behind the both of you " What is going on in here " you both turn around and before you can say anything Luna piped in " well you see professor our last ingredient is on the fourth shelf from the top and we can't reach it so we were trying to find away to get it " she says smiling he raises an eyebrow and looks between Luna then you and sighs reaching up and grabbing two " next time use the small ladder " he says pointing to a old folded ladder by the door that you both didn't see he leaves first then both of you leave going to your seats and caldrons you both start to work on the potion and all of sudden you potion explodes Snape is right in front of you in a matter of five minutes " detention for disrupting the class " he says angry you look down but here some stifled laughter which is coming from Draco and his so called friends you sigh and think # great detention with the professor I have gotten a crush on and it's my first day what else could happen#

(A/n I hope you liked it I've been in the writing mood and decided to start this book and I'm hoping it's good for everyone )

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