You have bad parents that kept you from the truth not telling you about magic until one day you find your Hogwarts letter which was dated six years ago when you were eleven that's when you find out about everything
( y/n ) black (l/n)
Your kin to...
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Your dress ( you and Snape decided to have it at Hogwarts there is two tents one for you and one for him to get ready in)
You stand in the tent looking at your dress in a mirror your hair is beautifully fixed ( done by hermoine) your bridesmaids are hermoine,Cho, and Ginny and your maid of honor is of course Luna ( the girls will be wearing their house colors of course)
Snape paces in his tent worrying if you will run off dumbledore walks into the tent and sighs " Severus please she has been with you for a while now nothing will happen " snape stops pacing " alright " ( he has Sirius, lupin , and hagrid as his grooms men and his best man is lucius )
*time skip *
You are walking down the isle the wedding march playing you look up a little to see snape smiling you finally get to him and you both take each other's hand hands you both look at dumbledore and he begins as your about to say (I, ___, take thee, ___, to be my wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith [or] pledge myself to you.") you see a red headed women start to walk up she has blue eyes and she kinda makes you think of Harry snape notices you stop and he looks in the direction your looking he gasps and mumbles " lily "
To be continued
hello my little snakes sorry for the cliff hanger ....not really lol 😂 and I'm sorry it's short but I plan on updating soon