What do you smell ?

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Everyone went to to the pot and smelt it saying what they smelt soon Luna went up and said " ooo I smell herb......parchment...hmm that's it " ( hehe Luna and Neville ) she says shrugging and leaves going back to her seat by you snape looks at you now and says " miss ( l/n ) your our last student to smell the potion " you nod your head passing by snape when you do you are slightly captivated by his sent but keep walking up to the potion and lean down smelling it " I-I smell .....well I smell parchment .....fireball whiskey or tea it's kinda mixed and ...*smells again* " you freeze when the last smell is the dungeons and your eyes widen cause you just described how snape smelled when you walked by him " well " snape looks at you raising an eyebrow after he spoke you don't say anything and run right out of the class room down corridors up stairs to find yourself in the astronomy tower holding onto the railing on the balcony breathing heavily starting to have a panic attack you hear multiple footsteps when you turn around you see Luna , Hermione and two red headed twins " oh my gosh (y/n ) are you ok " Luna spoke walking up to you " she's having a panic attack " Hermione said you give her a weird look not knowing her name " oh excuse me I'm Hermione granger " she says walking up to you " what happened what did you smell that made you run and start making you have a panic attack " you start to take deep breaths trying to calm down " I believe I have a crush on someone and what I smelt only conformed my suspicion " you mumble the twins walked up and open a suitcase " here have some candy " they said at the same time and you tilt your head " oh excuse us I'm Fred " one of them said " and I'm George " the other said " h-hi " you say and look down and they give you a chocolate frog " (y/n) who do you have a crush on please tell us " Hermione said you sigh " I believe I have a crush on .....s....s-snape " they all gasp and their eyes widen " WHAT !! " Hermione said " I-I have to go " you said and whistle your broom flying up and you jump off onto it and fly off and sit at the whomping willow for some reason it doesn't hurt you and you just sit there and soon fall asleep

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