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After class everyone goes to supper including you ( cause Snape isn't THAT " heartless ") you go sit at the Slytherin table as everyone sits down Dumbledore made the food appear and the drinks and everyone began to eat you pick only a few things since when you were at home you were starved so you never have a big appetite after that you get up to go to detention you knock on the door and it opens to reveal snape at his desk putting his wand down he doesn't look up he only says " you will be cleaning the caldrons with no magic the bucket and brush are in that cupboard " he points and you go grabbing the bucket and brush filling it up with soap and water then going over to where the caldrons are setting and start to clean them you hear a door shut so you think snape as left you smile slightly and start to hum the first part but then sing the part you know " You see sir a man infatued with love! Her ardent and eager slave! So fetch the pomade and pumice stone,
and lend me a more seductive tone! A sprinkling perhaps of French cologne! But first sir I think . . .
A shave . . .! " you hum again then begin to sing again " 'Tis true sir love can still inspire the blood to pound the heartly pyre! What more? " you hum again then sing " Can man require ! Than love sir! " you begin to hum then say " What sir? " you hum again and then say " Ah yes women " you hum again only to sing " Make haste and if we wed you'll be commended, sir!" You keep humming until your part comes up again singing " My ward!" You then say " and as Pretty as a rose bud . . . " you then mumble Sweeney Todd's line " Pretty as her mother?" You then go back to your line "Huh? What was that?" You then begin to sing both Sweeney Todd's and judge turpins lines " Pretty women . . .
Fascinating . . .Sipping coffee . . .Dancing...!
Pretty women . . .Are a wonder. . .Pretty women!
Sitting in the window! Or Standing on the stair!
Something in them cheers the air . . .! Pretty -women . . .Silhouetted . . .Stay within you . . .
Glancing...!Stay forever,Breathing lightly...
Pretty women! Pretty women! Blowing out their candles! or Combing out their hair! Even when they leave They still are there! They're there Ah! Pretty women, At their mirrors! In their gardens! Letter-writing! Flower-picking! Weather-watching!
How they make a man sing! Proof of heaven as you're living, Pretty women! Sir, pretty women!
Yes pretty women, Here's to! pretty women,
Pretty women, Pretty women" you finish singing and notice your done cleaning the caldrons but you're pulled out of thought with slow clapping " very good (L/n) but next time while I'm doing work do ...not ....sing " your eyes widen as you turn around blushing " s-sorry professor I thought you left when I heard a door shut I-I'll go now " you say and quickly grab your bag your wand falling out of the bag but you don't notice as you are out the door and in the common room in less then 20 minutes and up to bed falling on it breathing heavily until you fall asleep

(A/n : YES !! I did just make your character sing Alan rickmans part in Sweeney Todd's song pretty women get over it lol I love the song )

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