Being moved

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You wake up the next morning you take a shower and change you quickly go to Dumbledore's office you walk in and see him sitting at his desk " ah miss (l/n) what brings you here" he says smiling you look down " can I work with someone else like Lupin or Hagrid" you ask or should you say more like plead he stands up and walks to you " my has something happened between you and Severus" you turn away " oh please don't say his dreaded name" you look away and sigh Dumbledore sighs " if I moved you to work alone or with someone else your room will have to be moved too" you smile " that sounds lovely" he shakes his head " I'll let you work with Lupin your room will be on the third floor your bedroom is in front of the class room door" he says then he says some kind of spell " alright your stuff is already in the room" " thank you sir " you smile and leave you go to your new room then you go talk to Lupin telling him you will be his assistant

Snapes POV :
After my classes I go to see if I can talk to (y/n) again I go to the door and try the doorknob I smile when it turns and I open the door but there is nothing in there the room is completely empty I turn and rush to Dumbledore's office and bust into the office " Dumbledore she's gone!" I say quickly pacing around trying to figure out where she's gone " Severus sit down I know where she is" I stop " where is she" I look him dead in the eye " he looks away and sighs" she's going to be helping Remus with dark arts and her room is in front of the class room...may I ask what happened between the two of you " Snape shakes his head " I don't know she started to act weird a day or two ago and she's avoiding me now she...she even gave me the cape back " I stand up abruptly " I'm going to talk to her " I walk out and to her new room I knock on it

Your pov :
You hear a knock so you go an open the door you see an enraged snape his face has anger written all over it but his eyes has betrayal and sadness in them before you can say anything he pushes into the room and shuts the door making you step back multiple times " what has gotten into you" he says upset as he walks closer to you but with every step he takes towards your way you take one step back " you have nerve to come in here and ask what's wrong with me" you say and turn away crossing your arms he stomps his way to you and grabs your arm spinning you around to face him " what has gotten you so upset with me that you are helping someone else and that you have moved to be farther away from me and to make you give the cape back" he growls " HOW ABOUT YOU GO ASK THAT TRAMP YOU'VE BEEN SNEAKING AROUND WITH SEVERUS" after the outburt you change into your snow leopard form and run instead of running away you go to your old room by old room you run to the Slytherin House inside after saying pure blood and you run to your old dorm nothing has changed to it no one is even staying in it you change back and shut the door locking it you sit in front of the your old fireplace you start to fire up and as you watch it you start to cry

Snapes POV :
" HOW ABOUT YOU GO ASK THAT TRAMP YOU'VE BEEN SNEAKING AROUND WITH SEVERUS " my eyes widen as she screams that me and my heart drops she changes into her snow leopard form and rum off I stand there struck with pain " how could I have been so stupid" I sigh I quickly go to Dumbledore's office " she thinks I'm cheating on her" I say as I walk into the room Dumbledore only shakes his head " my my Severus you better hurry up and apologize before it gets out of hand I think I should stay out of it" he says and sits down " alright but I'll need your help can you tell some of these professors to decorate to astronomy tower for me" he sighs and nods his head I tell him what it has to be and I go to find (y/n) " I hope I'm not too late"

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