Painful friday

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The week went by quickly and it was Friday before you knew it you and the team are in the quidditch uniform they tell you that y'all are against ravenclaw and tell you to be careful because they will try to out smart you (a/n: cause you know they are ravenclaws they are smart ) you all get ready and the game starts y'all are probably up in the air for an hour before the snitch shows itself to you and the other ravenclaw you both go for it and as they said he try's to outsmart you but you fly your broom under him and then jump over him landing on your broom and race towards the snitch grabbing it but right as you grab it a bludger come out of no where hitting you in the ribs the snitch stays in your hand as you fall off your broom and hit the ground knocking you out

Snape pov: NO !! This can't happen again not another one I rush down the steps getting to her right before lockheart , Luna , Fred , George, and that little know it all hermoine I put two fingers to her throat Luna speaks " is she alright is she still alive " her voice racked with fear " yes she's still alive but that bludger hit her in the ribs I'll have to take her to the hospital wing " I pick her up bridal style and start to carry her " WAIT LOOK !" Luna shouts pointing to her hand I look down to see the snitch before I can say anything the speaker says " AND IT LOOKS LIKE SLYTHERIN WINS THANKS TO ( L/N )" I keep walking taking her to the hospital wing " POMFREY GET OUT HERE MISS ( L/N) IS IN NEED " She rushes out and gasps " bring her to this bed " she says and I walk over laying her down gently I tell her what happened and she starts to feel of her ribs " oh dear she have five ribs broken I can heal them but it will take a few days and she'll have to stay here for a few more days " she says " she will also need someone to watch her at night " she looks at me " will you watch her " I act disinterested but sigh " alright I will " I say she nods her head and takes her wand out and start to say a spell to heal her after a few minutes she sets up some walls around the bed and I sit down in a chair by the bed and make a book appear and start to read as (y/n) sleeps

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