You wake up the next morning you sit up to see that there is a note on the coffee table you pick it up to read " hello my love it's severus today is our big day our wedding will be at two I do believe your dress is still in your old chambers by mine " you sigh and look at the clock you see that it's 12:30 you bite your lip and leave snapes chambers you go for a walk and find Draco " Draco I need to speak with you " he nods his head " alright where shall we speak " he says he starts to walk with you " let's head to the railroad tracks like before " you say smiling Draco shrugs " ok "
as you and Draco get to the railroad tracks and start to walk on them you start to tell him how differently snape has been acting " wait (y/n) are you telling me that snape THE professor severus snape MY uncle snape booped your nose " you nodded your head " yes Draco I just said that he booped my nose ....HES never done that " Draco nods his head " yeah that's pretty weird but who knows he could be finding his happiness again " you nodded your head and looked down at your watch " DRACO ITS 1:30! IM GONNA BE LATE " you give Draco a hug and bolt off down the tracks to the castle
Draco pov :
I sigh as I walk down the railroad " guess I better start calling her aunt....nah that's too weird " as I walk by the train I hear something rustling then there is a sigh and a light bang on the wall I walk in the train looking around " hello there anyone in here " as I walk I trip but there was nothing in front of me to make me trip I look behind me to see a leg and a shoe " Potter I swear if that's you i will break your nose again " I say grabbing the cloak yanking it off of the guy only to see my uncle snape tied up with tape over his mouth " UNCLE WHAT WHO HOW " I say as I take the tape off and untie him " I don't know I didn't see them now where is (y/n) " he says angrily " uhm she is supposed to be marrying you at two how did you get here " he growls a little and start to walk away rather quickly " that doesn't matter but I've been here since last night so I wasn't the one to ask her "Snapes pov :
As Draco and I get close to hogwarts I look down at my watch " 2:10 it's already started " I say angrily we quickly rush to where the wedding is held before anyone can say anything I quickly yell stop everyone looks back at forth I walk up the the past to (y/n) and this other me " this man is a fraud !" the other snape saysYour POV:
You look back and forth to the snape in the suit and to the snape that just walked up Albus looks at them and then you " which one is the real severus (y/n) " you look at them and try to think of something only the real snape would know " when I was a student i got my first detention with you what was the song I sung " you say hoping only one knows the answer but they both answer " suit snape : pretty women " " normal dressed snape : pretty women " you groan and rub your temples trying to think the snape in the suit walks up to you " come on my little butterfly it's me the real severus " he says smiling placing his hand on your cheek your eyes widen and you quickly move to the other snape you get behind him and hold onto his arm " it's lockheart " you whisper to him the real snapes eyes widen and he becomes furious he takes his wand out and casting levicorpus on the other snapeAs the snape in the suit dangles upside down he starts thrash around and it seems his skin is bubbling or melting and in front of everyone's eyes he changes into lockheart everyone gasps as you hide your face in the snapes cloak lockheart chuckles " I was close to having you my dear you have to admit my plan was magnificent at first appearing as snapes beloved lily to make him forget about you I was gonna show up and comfort you but then he chose you so I had to make a few last minute adjustments to the plan which was to take snape away tie him up and become him so then you would marry me and not him " he says smirking Dumbledore speaks up " I can handle this severus you just take (y/n) back to her chambers to change and the both of you will have two weeks off so pack your things " severus turns and takes your hand leading you back into hogwarts you both go back to his chambers and pack your things after you've changed out of the dress he takes your hand and he apparates the both of you to his house " get some rest you've had it rough " he says looking down at you and smiles " ok thank you " you smile and kiss his cheek you head up stairs and change and lay down in his bed falling asleep quickly

In the wrong house
FanfictionYou have bad parents that kept you from the truth not telling you about magic until one day you find your Hogwarts letter which was dated six years ago when you were eleven that's when you find out about everything ( y/n ) black (l/n) Your kin to...