A white haird guest

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You wake up and it's the weekend you put something comfortable on but also decided to get the cape washed you know there is a place to wash the clothes but you don't know where it's at in the castle you grab the cape and leave the common room it's fairly early so a lot of people won't be up you see a painting and see the lady is awake you run up and ask " miss do you have any clue of where I can wash this cape " she smiles " head to dumbledore's office but don't go up the gryffin steps walk past and turn right down the next hall it's the last door on the left " you smile and say thank you and walk up the changing steps as you walk past you hear dumbledore and snape " have you told her Severus " you hear dumbledore say " no she must not find out who escaped Azkaban she will be too scared and she's happy right now so no I must go I have a few things to do " you hear a door shuts and you quickly dash off turning the corner not knowing snape seen a corner of the cape you quickly run to the laundry room and look around and hop into a basket and put the cape over you hiding you hear the door open " miss (l/n) please cone out from hiding " you slowly stand up the cape cover you as you stand in the basket you hear a chuckle and hear footsteps he takes the cape off of you and puts it in a bucket " you need to learn how to hide better " he takes your hand and helps you out of the basket "I'm sorry I heard footsteps and kinda got scared because I didn't know if I should be up this early I was just coming up here to wash the cape " he nods his head " it's alright " he takes his wand from his sleeve and waves it around and everything comes to life and starts to clean the cape you smile and get an idea " I have a request " he looks down at you " what's that " he asks you smile and say " well since we are both animagi let's go for a run " you smile he sighs and says " alright but you seem to have a mischievous smile what's the catch " you giggle and say " if I win ....I get to pick what you wear for Monday during the whole day " he sighs and nods his head " alright and if I win ....you have to assist me for an entire week before and after school " you nod your head " deal  whoever gets to the shrieking shack wins " you change into your snow leopard form and he changes into night you both get into a running position and snake counts @ on your mark get set ...GO @ both of you run you slide down the railing on the stairs getting faster and ahead of snape you jump off and keep running busting out the doors you instantly go to the whomping willow and into the tunnel come out into the house and you hide behind the door waiting for snape he gets there after a minute and looks around @ aH so you have beaten me I guess you're going to pick I outfit out @ he says seeing your tail from me hind the door you walk out and change " yes I will and I'm taking a picture of you " you giggle and he changes back " alright if you must choose we will have to go to some stores today I guess " you smile " yeah we will need to " you laugh and you both leave the shrieking shack and head to hogsmeade you both go into a clothing shop and you look around you catch snape trying to look so you push him out of the store " no peaking " he frowns and shakes his head and you back in and pick

(Which one would you pick 🤔☺️ ) you buy the outfit and put it in the bag and leave handing it toSnape " don't look ok it's a surprise for Monday " you smile he sighs and nods his head " alright fine now let's get back to hogwarts your annoying ra...

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(Which one would you pick 🤔☺️ ) you buy the outfit and put it in the bag and leave handing it to
Snape " don't look ok it's a surprise for Monday " you smile he sighs and nods his head " alright fine now let's get back to hogwarts your annoying ravenclaw friend must be worried " you laugh " yes and I bet MY cape is done washed and dried " he looks at you "  YOUR cape hmmm I think I might take it back now " you scoff and hold your heart " wow and I thought you were actually a nice guy " he chuckles " well you need to get to know me first before you make those accusations " you laugh and the both of you walk back to hogwarts when you get there you see a tall man with whitish blondeish hair comes walking towards you and snape " ah hello Severus " he says with a cocky grin " and you must be the pure blood " he says looking at you smiling you fake a smile feeling uncomfortable by his presence and steps back slightly snape takes notice and says " Lucius what is it you need " Lucius glares at him " I'm here just to see if the knew pureblood would be right for my son " he smiles and you go pail your eyes widening and your mouth slightly dropping snape growls a little " that's enough Lucius you may go you just frightened her " Lucius chuckles and walks away as Draco turns the corner to see snape glaring at his father and you looking as pale as snow when snape looks back at you he waves his hand in front of your face you doing say anything you just slowly walk off you go to the laundry room and grab the cape then quickly go to the dungeons and to your room you lay down and cover up with snapes cape and you hold your pillow #please tell me this is a nightmare I don't like Draco he's a pig headed brat who has been sucking a silver spoon all his life# you think to yourself you sigh and close your eyes slowly drifting off to sleep

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