You wake up sick you get up and run to the bathroom and throw up you grown and leave headed to the hospital wing when you get there pomfrey takes one look at you and takes you to a bed " lay down you're sick I'll go tell the professors you won't be attending and I'll get someone to watch over you during the night I'll be back with something to help " she leaves and goes to the dining hall where the professors are eating except for snape she tells them and she leaves going to the dungeons and goes to snape that you won't be attending his class and asks if he has a potion to stop vomiting cause she's out and you will need it he nods his head and grabs a bottle she then asks " I know you are not fond of watching over kids but will you watch over her during the night she is a slytherin after all " he nods his head " alright as you wish " she leaves and goes grabs you something to eat that may help you and comes back she gives you the potion and the food and you begin to drink the potion and then eat and you soon fall asleep only to wake up when the hospital doors open you look over to see snape walking in with another potion you then look out the curtains to see its night you groan and he walks up and smiles " you are very troublesome always ending up in the hospital wing " he chuckles and hands you the potion " it's another non vomiting one the other has warn out by now " you take the potion and drink it and gag a little " you would think you would know how to make the potions taste better I mean you are the professor " you say trying to hold back a smile " oh smart mouthing a professor now you might just get detention " you look up at him and he isn't smiling which makes you think he's mad you gulp and you see him slowly smile and chuckle " still scared of me I see " he says and sits down " only when your upset " you mumble and slightly laugh he chuckles and makes a book appear " I know that you good with potions but I'm going to let you use a book that no one has ever used " he looks at you and you nod your head he then hands you this old potions book you open it and look threw it you then see the name ' the half blood prince ' you look up at him " are you the half blood prince ...I mean why else would you have this book " he nods his head " yes that is me it was when I was in school" you nod your head and start to flip threw the pages reading the notes " I can see why you teach potions " you smile up at him and he slightly smiles
Draco POV:
#It's sickening I hate I'm having to watch them but soon it will be all over and she will be with me she just can see how good my family is yet she's just blinded is all # I move into the shadows and take a few pictures then leave and head to my dorms I send the photos to my father and lay downYour POV:
You and snape talk for a little while and he looks at you and says " you need sleep " you shake your head no " yes you do lay down you have to get better " you sigh and mumble " fine " you lay back and yawn and start to fall asleep he leans back and reads a book as you sleep and he soon falls asleep as well

In the wrong house
FanfictionYou have bad parents that kept you from the truth not telling you about magic until one day you find your Hogwarts letter which was dated six years ago when you were eleven that's when you find out about everything ( y/n ) black (l/n) Your kin to...