Just A Casual Day

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Before I start I just want to say that
1.) in writing this on phone so ignore any spelling mistakes.
2.) I know Kris plays both characters but I ship the characters not you know Kris with herself that's weird.
Janet had been woken up for the 5th time this week to Riley wanting to watch frozen, it was beginning to get annoying but she loved Riley too much to not say yes.
"Mom, tan you put fwozen on the tv PWEASEEE" Riley nagged.
"What time is I- IT'S 6AM RILEY! ugh, I'll be up in a sec" Janet couldn't get a time of peace, Riley didn't bug her too much but she was starting to become annoyed by the smaller things after her and Roger started fighting every single night, they were planning a divorce but it hadn't happened yet.
Frozen was blasting through the upstairs from Riley's room and Janet was downstairs making herself and her daughter quick bowls of cereal. When they were made, she took a quick swig of vodka and made her way upstairs to give Riley her cereal.
"mom, tan we get cereal that doesn't taste like sticks PWEASE" Shreddies were Riley's least favourite cereal, they were so plain.
"No, your just gonna have to eat sticks then" it was too early for this so Janet walked out leaving Riley with her cereal and film.

2 hours later

"RILEY TIME TO GO!" mommy toddler daycare started in 30 minutes and Janet wanted to get there on time but Riley hadn't finished watching her second round of frozen for the day.
"Otay!" She didn't want to fight and Riley was excited to see her friends Misha and Sergei again.
When they arrived, they went to room B4 and sat in a chair, Riley started listening to a frozen soundtrack on an Ipad Janet had bought whilst they waited for the other parents and children to arrive.

Karen walked through with her son Hunter and sat on the opposite side of the room to Janet, she didn't want to admit it but no one really liked her.
Carol came next with her two sons Buddy and Texas and her adopted daughter Diamond, Carol sat about 2 chairs away from Janet as they made small talk.
The last people came through the door Katrina and her 2 twin sons Misha and Sergei. They both greeted Riley and started playing with her whilst both their mom's sat down next to each other and began talking.
"Hello Janet" Katrina greeted, a smile peeking through.
"Hey Katrina, how you doing?" Janet asked her friend
"Not bad, Misha and Sergei have been learning new self-defense tricks."
Janet nodded her head in admiration and turned away when Amy (the leader of the mommy toddler daycare) began talking.
"Alright everyone today we're going to be playing some games" she took the children into a room and started showing them how to play this one game, this gave all of the moms a chance to catch up.
Carol started talking to Janet and Katrina just began daydreaming, staring into nowhere. She knew she had feeling for Janet but denied them whenever even small things came up about her and Janet 'being in love' even when it was a joke.

"I bet you want me Katrina, you can't deny" Chad said, smirking.
"I promise you, I don't" she replied, slapping him across the face.
"Sure" Chad was doing this as more of a joke but he realised how seriously Janet and Katrina took it.
"No, she doesn't" Janet replied to him.
"What are you guys in love or something" A laugh came from his wide smirk but he noticed that Katrina's face dropped immediately, it was subtle but very noticeable to him.
"I- Janet" Katrina looked to her side where Janet was stood.
"Of course we are, we're best friends" Janet said it confidently, knowing she proved Chad wrong, completely oblivious to Katrina's hesitation.

*end of flashback*

"Katrina, Katrina" Janet 'woke' Katrina up from her daydreaming.
"mhm" Katrina said looking away, she couldn't look at Janet right now, just for that moment anyway.
"Are you okay? You were staring blankly at the floor for 15 minutes." Janet asked, genuinely concerned about her friend.
"Of course I'm fine" Katrina was still looking away and not making eye contact with Janet, it started to become obvious and Carol interrupted.
"why can't you look at Janet?" she asked, getting straight to the point.
"I can" Katrina replied obviously still not looking at Janet.

Carol walked away for a bit to check on Amy and the toddlers, Karen was just sitting in the corner on her phone so Janet and Katrina were practically alone and Janet's worries for her friend grew.
"are you sure you're o-"
"I'm fine" she snapped back, eyes widening after realising what she did, Janet got the impression she had done something wrong but couldn't recall what she had done.
The silence stung.
After moments of what felt like forever, Katrina spoke up, fighting the tempting feeling of just walking out.
"I'm uh sorry I was just uh thinking of something, I shouldn't have um shouted at you" Katrina suddenly started speaking in such a soft tone that it didn't seem like her, she always had a soft side for Janet but this was more then just a soft side.
"It's alright, do you, Misha and Sergei want to come to the park after this?" Janet tried to change the subject and it worked, Katrina nodded and they waited for the end of the session.
It was soon over and Riley ran over to Janet telling her about the game whilst Misha and Sergei walked casually towards their mother greeting her like two young adults.
Riley looked at Katrina for a second and smirked, she knew what was going on, Katrina made it way too obvious to say the least but Janet wasn't very good at reading emotions.

All 5 of them made their way to the park, Riley walked with Misha and Sergei to the equipment and they played some sort of role play game they had played a lot recently.

"Janet, do you want to come to my house tomorrow night for some drinks?"
"Sure, as long as you have vodka" Janet joked.
"What type of question is that" Katrina knew it was a joke but she always had vodka in the house, it was the only thing she drank.
"We can drop the kids off at Chad's tomorrow"
"good plan" Katrina agreed and felt so much relief from being able to act normal around her best friend again after what happened in the daycare, she had one feeling of hope that Janet felt the same about her but knew she didn't which sent a sharp ache into her heart, she really was in love.

1104 words

Hi! I hope you're enjoying my story so far, I've become obsessed with the Katrina and Janet love story ever since Kris brought it in lol.
Remember to stay hydrated and I hope you're having a good day!
-author <3

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