Drinking Night

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(a/n: just to let you know, my timezone is bst (UK) so when I say I publish a chapter each day, the times may be different anyways, this chapter is one of my favourites so hope you enjoy! Tysm for 51 reads as well ur all amazing!!)


The clock turned to 6 and Riley and Janet were ready to go. They drove to Chad's house and Riley ran in.
"Hey lil dude"
"Hey uncle Chad"
They greeted each other and Janet went back to her car, to Katrina's.
Katrina had already dropped off her twin sons about half an hour ago so she could set up for when Janet came, set up meaning getting the vodka, cards, and glasses out.

*knock knock knock*

Janet knocked on Katrina's front door as it swung open, revealing her friend.
"Hello Janet, come in"
"Hey Katrina"
They both sat down in the living room and poured themselves a glass of vodka each.
"So, what do you want to do" Katrina asked.
"What about a card game but everytime you lose, you take a shot?" Janet considered and Katrina nodded her head in agreement, she wasn't worried even though shots were one thing that got her drunk, she wasn't sure why or how but it always seemed to be the case.
They started playing cards, Janet had 3 shots, Katrina had 2 and they kept going.
Janet started to feel a bit dizzy after 5 shots and Katrina for some reason had has 6 even though she always won this, she blamed it on the alcohol although that was a stupid excuse.

"Hey let's take a break for a bit" Janet requested, going to get some water.
"Good idea, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself"
"What?" This took Janet back a bit, Katrina was never the person to say something like that, she would usually let you get hurt and then tell you to 'suck it up', this was different.
"Uh nothing" She tried to take it back as she scratched the back of her neck awkwardly but it had already gone into Janet's ears and she definitely knew it wasn't 'nothing' but she played it casually.
"Um okay then" they had a small break, Janet drank some water and felt a little better, Katrina had some vodka and felt a little better too, vodka was Katrina's water.

They both knew they were going to be drunk but didn't care, it was just them two, it was hard to get embarrassed by the other as they were such good friends.
They started to play a different card game where you roll a dice and a card either gives you a truth or a dare, depending on whether the dice lands on truth or dare.
Janet went first and got a dare. She read the card out loud.
"Text your 5th contact a 'you up' message"
"Who is it" Katrina said after Janet opened her phone.
"Just a random number, okay done" she said after typing quickly, she showed Katrina the screen for proof and then turned off her phone and set it back on the table. "your turn"
"Alright" Katrina rolled the dice and it landed on truth.
"Spillllll" Janet said as a joke, earning a joking glare from Katria as she picked up a card and read it out: "Do you have a crush on anyone in the room" she said it and then re read it, realising what it said. She obviously couldn't let all of her feeling spill at that moment but she really did have a crush, she felt like it was more of a crush, she had loved Janet for so long and wanted to let it all out at this moment, it wasn't a perfect moment but it felt perfect, Janet looked so perfect sitting there, it hurt Katrina to deny this truth,

'If I tell her, I'll say I was drunk and it was a joke but then she'll never love me back although she wouldn't anyway.

If I say no, this will all be over and I won't have to fight myself but it's hard its really hard to say no, I feel like I can't physically get the words out of my mouth.' Katrina's mind filled with so many worries and questions

Janet was waiting for an answer, she thought she knew the answer until Katrina had spent so long hesitating, she felt like she knew the answer and it was different to what she thought it was before. Katrina's eyes were darting around the card, she was still debating what to say until she realised how long she had been debating for.

"Katrina, are you okay? You've been staring at that card for 2 minutes now..." Janet asked, she was so so confused about this whole thing.
"I uh yes I'm good" She responded finally snapping out of her thoughts.
"So um, do you want a forfeit?" Janet asked, knowing the question was puzzling Katrina like hell.
"What? Oh yea sure" She forgot about the game for a second but then she agreed for the forfeit which was just having the opposite to what you rolled for so her forfeit was a dare. Just as she thought the subject had changed, the dare made it slightly worse, not at first but very shortly after. The card read: "Ask your 20th contact out" She grabbed her phone and went to the 20th contact, of course it was Janet, the universe was just against her.

"Um it's uh its its" She couldn't form words anymore, she had to have a moment.
She dropped her phone on the couch and ran into the bathroom, forgetting to say 'ill be right back'.

Janet was confused much more than before, yet she wasn't, this game had revealed so much, she didn't realise that Katrina felt this way but the pieces starting coming together:
She hesitated when Chad asked if they were in love.
She got extremely protective when Janet got a crush on the bartender.
She couldn't look at Janet after spacing out.
She couldn't even form words when the card asked if she had a crush on anyone in the room.
It all made sense, how was Janet so oblivious?

Katrina was still in the bathroom, she was pacing up and down, thinking of her next move, it's obvious now, it all is, but how does she play it off?
Janet was still on the couch, she was wondering about herself now, does she feel the same way?

1036 words!

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