The Kiss

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Breakfast was finished and everyone went back to their rooms to get changed, Katrina wore the same jeans she wore the day before along with the hoodie she put on earlier, Janet wore jeans and a hoodie, Marie wore a shirt skirt and a crop top with her usual full face if makeup and Riley just wore a t-shirt and jeans.
It was around 1pm and Katrina was planning on leaving soon to see Misha and Sergei who were being babysat by Bexx, the new babysitter that Katrina had hired.

"Do you want any lunch before you go?" Janet asked Katrina.
"No I'll be alright" She responded. Katrina and Janet walked to the front door, Katrina put on her shoes and coat and grabbed her dufflebag which was still in front of the table next to the front door.
"Thanks for staying, Marie would have been a nightmare if you weren't here"
"I HEARD THAT!" Marie shouted from across the house, Janet was slightly confused on why Marie could hear that but she didn't care too much.
Katrina and Janet laughed at Marie's response, exchanging eye contact as they did.
"Anytime" Katrina smiled.
They looked into each others emerald coloured eyes that both glistened in the bright sunlight. Janet noticed Katrina's jawline perfectly angled in the lighting as her blonde waves covered a majority of it but still making it noticeable.
Janet went to kiss Katrina on the cheek but Katrina accidentally moved her head suddenly causing Janet's lips to meet Katrina's. They exchanged a kiss that felt like forever, it sent a sigh of relief through both of them.
"I love you" Katrina said, slowly pulling away.
"I love you too" Janet replied, with a pink tint lighting up her cheeks.
Janet waved at Katrina as Katrina waved back and drove off. Janet shut the front door and stood there for a second processing what just happened.
She walked back into the living room only to see Marie staring at her with a smirk.
"You're as pink as hell"
"oh uh"
"haha loser"
"Shut up"
Both Katrina and Janet thought about the moment and smiled, deep in their thoughts, they had both gotten what they wanted.

349 words

A/n- ahhhhhh I've enjoyed writing this book so much, the last chapter was short because it was going to be in the previous chapter but I felt like I should make it a separate chapter! All of this book has been written in advance but if anyone has any requests I'll write some Katrina and Janet oneshots (no smut or lemon). This book took me about 10 hours straight but I loved writing it so much! The amount of support I have gotten on this is absolutely crazy and amazing I can't thank you all enough. I'm really sad to be ending this in not gonna lie so if anyone has any ideas on how I could carry it on plz let me know! (it will just continue from this chapter if u do have any ideas). Once again, all characters belong to @kallmekris on tik tok, she's such a creative and amazing person and if you don't watch her, wtf are you reading this for, lmao jk anyways, Thank you all so much again!!
Stay hydrated, eat something and stay safe, bye everyone!!!

Plz read>>>>So rn its the night before I post this chapter and I really don't want to end this book sooo I'm going to hopefully carry it on I just need some time to think of ideas for the plot line so it stays interesting, if anyone has any ideas plz comment them and I'll post a chapter titled a/n announcing if I have found or thought of an idea to carry this on or if I've made a new Katrina x Janet book <3

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