A Different Katrina

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"NONA!!!" Riley shouted, running back into the room.
"Hello my little ravioli, what have you been up to?"
"Watching fwozen and helping my mom with her love life"
"RILEY!" Janet shouted over Riley as soon as she said the last word of the sentence. Nona just laughed and said "Well you must be a good cupid" to Riley but looking at Katrina and Janet who were still sitting on the couch together.

Riley decided to stay for a bit whilst all of the adults spoke, mainly catching up with Nona and Marie who were surprisingly not saying anything too 'opinionated'.

Janet cooked pasta for dinner that night, she didn't want to do anything that caused too much hastle. They all sat at the table talking whilst eating, Nona stayed for longer than expected but she mainly talked to Riley to make her feel included.

"Marie you're staying in the guest room tonight which is down the hall to your right"
"Have you cleaned it?" Marie was getting her usual personality back now.
"Of course I've cleaned it, I'm not dirty anyway"
"Well I never know with you"

"Katrina, do you wanna stay the night?" Janet was hoping she would say yes but didn't want to force Katrina into anything, she also didn't know what Misha and Sergei were doing at this time.
"Why not"
Janet realised she only had one guest room and she didn't trust Katrina to sleep in the same room as Marie.
"Where am I going to sleep?" Katrina knew Janet's house well and knew about only having three bedrooms (Janet's, Riley's and a guest room).
"Oh my god you two, just sleep in the same bed" Marie interrupted the conversation but what she said made the other two go red.
"Um, I mean you can?" Janet turned to Katrina.
"Da, I guess I'm going to sleep in your room"
It was settled, Nona was going to go home (she hadn't planned on staying anyway), Marie was sleeping the guest room and Katrina was sleeping in Janet's room as well as Janet.

They all made their way to thro designated rooms after waving goodbye to Nona. It was around 1am so everyone was tired (Riley had gone to sleep 2 hours ago).

"Can I borrow some pajamas, I didn't bring anything"
"Sure, they're in the second draw down on the dresser, I'm going to get changed in the bathroom, be right back." Janet replied, shutting the door behind her as she stumbled to the bathroom tiredly.
She came out wearing just a grey jumper and done grey pajama trousers, nothing fancy.

She knocked on the bedroom door hearing Katrina say
"I'm dressed"
From the other side if the door, signaling Janet could come in.
She opened the blanket and lay in, Katrina follieing her but lying on the other side of the bed.
"Goodnight Janet"
Janet turned off the lamp on her bedside table and turned on her side, facing Katrina and shutting her eyes, dozing off into a deep sleep.
Katrina felt awkward being in the same bed as Janet but she soon fell asleep.

------ (this is a time skip not the end of the chapter)

Despite Katrina being there, Riley still barged into her mum's room and woke her up, she hadn't done it for a while so she got up earlier just to do it for fun.
Riley opened the door quietly and walked in only to see Katrina's arm around Janet's waist as they slept. Riley ran out and went to get Marie who was already up.
"Aunt Marie! Come look at this!" She grabbed her aunt's hand from watching tv in the living room and dragged her to Janet and Katrina.

"Look!" Riley pointed to them and Marie just looked and said "I'm surprised she could get anyone," and walked off, Riley went into the living room to watch Frozen whilst she waited for her mum to make breakfast.

*an hour later*

Janet woke up first out of the two and felt something in her waist, she turned over only to see Katrina hugging her in her sleep without realising, she let out a small laugh and grabbed her phone scrolling through tik tok waiting for the other to wake up.

It was only fifteen minutes after when Katrina woke up and noticed her arm curled around Janet's waist, she hastily pulled away and murmured under her breath:

"don't be sorry, wait, you never say sorry"
Things were getting weird, Katrina never apologised, she never had a soft side and she used to always be sarcastic but now she's different.
"Hey are you okay? You've been acting different lately"
"Just cause I said sorry?"
"No, not just that, you used to never have a soft side but it seems like you do now, I know that sounds stupid but it's just peculiar"
"I just don't want to lose you"
"You could never lose me"
They exchanged warm smiles and hugged before getting out of bed.
"Can I borrow a hoodie?"
"Sure, you can borrow any of them, they're hanging up in the wardrobe" Janet pointed towards a tall white wardrobe that was built in.
Katrina grabbed a red hoodie and put it on over the pajama t-shirt she was wearing, not realising Janet had worn the hoodie the day before.
They walked into the living room and Janet made cereal for everyone.
"Why are you wearing my mom's hoodie?" Riley asked Katrina who quickly turned realising the question was for her.
"I brought no clothes so she let me borrow it"
Marie over heard the conversation and walked over from the couch.
"Are you sure that's the only reason?" Marie said with a smirk plastered on her face.
"MARIE WHAT THE HELL" Janet replied, sending her sister an unimpressed look.

All bowls of cereal were made and everyone grabbed one and sat in the living room, taking a mouthful at a time whilst making small talk now and then.

1001 words

Falling hard// Janet x KatrinaWhere stories live. Discover now