Game Night

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A/n: This is one of my fav chapters so I'm so excited to publish this! Anyways, enjoy and tysm for so many votes and reads its so crazy! <3
Janet parked the car outside the house and allowed Riley to walk in as she stood behind her.
"Have a good day!"
"tank you!" Riley replied, hugging her dad.
Roger and Janet smiled at each other and then the front door shut as Janet walked back up to the car. It was only 1pm so she had time before she had to go to Carol's.

She spent this time doing some house work, she started on the downstairs, tidying away any little bits of mess or rubbish and did the same with the upstairs. Janet vacuumed the house and then made herself some lunch, just a ham sandwich.

She realised that there was barely any food in so Janet set off to the supermarket for some supplies.

She trailed the aisles grabbing different items like cereals, milk, butter, bread, fruit, veg, pasta and more. Her shopping cart was about half full and she believed she had everything so she made her way to the tills.
Once there, she spotted a fimilar face in the distance and as she looked closer, she realised it was Katrina, suddenly her brain started worrying
If she sees me what do I say. I don't want to make it awkward. Should I go say hi or leave it? I should probably leave it if she hasn't seen me. Why am I feeling like this. Why am I suddenly so nervous around my best fri- whatever we are I don't even know what do I do?

The panic intensified until she saw Katrina leave the building, calming her down. Janet wondered all the way home why she got so paranoid when seeing Katrina, it was obvious but not obvious, so many things were confusing.
The clock turned to 5pm and Janet showered, dressed and put on a slight bit of makeup ready to go see Carol and she set off in the car at 5:45pm getting there for around 6pm.

"Hi! Come on in!" Carol greeted Janet at the door with a warm, friendly smile and her strong southern accent.
"Hey Carol, I brought you some sparkling water, I didn't know what other drinks you like but you seem to drink this a lot"
"Oh that's so sweet of you! Come sit down on the couch and ill pour us some drinks"

Janet made her way to the living room and planted herself onto the couch, looking around the room, Carol had quite a few paintings on the walls and they always seemed to change but it was always something interesting to look at when you visited.
One of the paintings was a landscape with a sky with a gradient of dark blue to light blue, it reflected into a pond with silhouettes of trees surrounding the pond. It was a painting that really stood out from the rest.

Carol came back into the room with two mugs full of coffee.
"I made you a coffee for now, if you want anything just tell me"
"okay, thanks Carol"
She placed them down on 2 coasters on the glass coffee table and they started having a conversation until the front door opened.
"Hey Katrina! Come sit down and I'll make you a drink" Janet heard Carol say as she went to the hall to shut the front door.

*Janet POV*
Katrina's here? KATRINA'S HERE? WHY IS KATRINA HERE? why am I freaking out? I just have to act normal, just act normal Janet she's your friend you can act normal. I didn't even know she was coming, how come Carol didn't tell me?

*Back to other POV*

"Hey Katrina" Janet said with a smile trying to act normal and ignore the voice in her head screaming.
"Hello Janet" Katrina replied.
Luckily Carol only had to make one drink this time so she came back quicker and broke the uncomfortable silence.
"So Katrina what have you been up to?" Carol was always the friend to ask this, she cared a lot about the others.
"Not much really, what about you?"
"Owh not much as well"
Everyone spoke for a little bit until they all decided on playing a card game called 'For the girls' where you just roll a dice and pick up a card with the corresponding colour. Janet said she would go get it but asked Katrina to come with her, Carol didn't question anything so they both got up and left.
They walked towards the room where Carol said the cards were and looked around, Janet wanted to tell Katrina something so she did, pushing against her hesitation.
"Did Misha or Sergei tell you anything"
"Um no I don't think so"
"Are you sure?"
"What did they tell you Katrina"
"Please tell me, Riley has been doing this sneaky stuff with them I want to know what you know"
"I uh so you, you feel the same way?" Katrina asked, not really knowing how to tell Janet what she knows.
A cold silence filled the room, Janet didn't want to reply, it felt too awkward to so she just said "mhm" under her breath.

Janet looked up at Katrina who was already looking at her, they smiled at each other for a second before carrying on to look for the cards.
A black box saying 'For the girls' in neon pink appeared as Janet opened a draw, she picked it up and made sure it was the right one, which it was.
"found it" she said with slight excitement.
They both went back to the living room and set up the game.
Janet went first and rolled on orange, meaning she had to pick up an orange card.
"First to hesitate loses: best ways to get rid of a hangover"
Janet: "Gatorade"
Carol: "A nice big breakfast"
Katrina: "Don't stop drinking, then no hangover."
Janet laughed and no one got the card.
Carol went next, she rolled a blue and picked up a blue card.
"Give this card to the person you would least want to annoy"
Both Janet and Carol pointed at Katrina and she took the card.
Katrina's turn came and she rolled a green, she picked up a green card which read:
"take two shots without flinching"
"Easy" Katrina stated getting two shots from the kitchen and downing both easily.
"Alright, my turn" Janet rolled the dice and it landed on purple.
"State the best thing about the person to your right" the person to her right was Katrina and without even looking at her, Janet said "her eyes".

1091 words

Falling hard// Janet x KatrinaWhere stories live. Discover now