Marie And Nona

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A/n Just a quick one to say I hope y'all have a good weekend, hydrate and make sure you eat something!! Ly all <3
It the day that Marie was coming to visit and Janet was the least excited out of her and Riley, in fact, she wasn't excited at all.

Marie always wore this bright red lipstick and revealing clothing, she was so extra and Janet was the complete opposite, sometimes she wondered how they were even sisters.

*knock knock knock*

"Riley your Aunt Marie's here!" Janet shouted whilst opening the door. She hadn't dressed up that day, Marie would tease her no matter what so what's the point.

"Hello Janet" She had the same accent as Janet but it was much stronger.
"Hi Marie, come in" There was no enthusiasm in her voice, Marie was not likeable, from her perspective anyway.

"Hi Aunt Marie!" Riely shouted as she ran through the door, greeting her Auntie with a hug around her waist.
"Do you want a drink?" Janet asked her sister.
"Water will do" Marie replied.
Janet went to the kitchen, still frowning.
"Auntie Marie,"
"What's up sugar"
"Tan I get my makeup done like you pwease"
At this time, Janet walked  back into the room with one hand holding a glass of water and the other holding a glass of wine.
"Riley you don't need any makeup honey you're beautiful" Janet replied, worried her sister was going to slather makeup all over her daughter's face.
"Your mother's right, but she could do with some"
Janet knew that was coming so she just smirked.

*knock knock knock*

"Who's dat?" Riley asked.
"Hopefully some skincare for those wrinkles" Marie replied, aiming it at Janet but looking at Riley as she was replying to her. She just earned another smirk from her sister who then walked off to answer the door.

"Thanks for comi- why do you have a duffle bag?" Janet saw Katrina holding a large duffle bag and knowing Katrina, it wasn't going to be full of anything let's say family-friendly.
"You messaged me 911, I came prepared"
"Yea cus I needed some moral support because my sisters here I don't need her sleeping with the fish"
"Alright" Katrina dropped the bag outside, slightly chucking it, "Just keeping options open"
They both smiled at each other as Janet rolled her eyes sarcastically and they walked inside, shutting the front door behind them.
"Marie Katrina, Katrina Marie" Janet introduced them to each other.
"Privyet" Katrina said in her strong Russian accent.
"Oh so you have to buy friends from" Marie replied, not holding back.
Both Janet and Katrina sent her an unamused facial expression.
"You can't even keep a husband let alone a friend" Marie said, still teasing her sister.

"She's actually my girlfriend"
"Mhm" Janet replied, it was weird hearing the words come out of Katrina's mouth but it felt right.
"Wow. Good for you, surprised you could land anything with ya know, letting go of yourself and all" Katrina just stared at her, not changing her face emotion.

"I'm going to get my duffle bag"
"NO" Janet chased after Katrina saying 'no' as they walked out the house and shut the front door.

"No" Janet said once more in a less shouty tone.
"I'm bringing it in just in case"
"Fine, just don't use it"
"Eh, we'll see"
Katrina grabbed her red and black duffle bag and took it inside, placing it in front of the table next to the front door.
They both strolled back to the living room, where Marie and Riley were and sat down, they wouldn't usually act like a 'couple' around others yet but they both hated Marie so they did the best they could to 'third wheel' her if you will.
Katrina sat down and Janet sat next to her on the couch, she lay her head on her shoulder whilst Katrina put her arm around Janet.

Marie sat on the other couch and started talking to them even though they didn't really want to talk to her.
"So, when did this all start" it was like an interrogation but they had to answer.
"Be more specific" Katrina knew the feelings started a while ago but was Marie asking that or was she asking about them actually being together.

"When did you get together, and why" Marie was keeping her teasing down low for now but snuck it in trying to hide it almost.
"We got together about a week ago" Janet replied, a week felt too little but she wasn't going to say they had only been together for like 3 days.
"Wow, a week, good luck to you"
"What?" Katrina was actually confused by the statement.
"Things usually go wrong after about a month so good luck"
"I don't think that'll happen"
"Mhm we'll see"
Was Marie jealous or telling the truth? Either way it wasn't going to ruin Janet and Katrina's relationship.
"I bought you some vodka yesterday, you want some?"
"How could I say no" Katrina joked, Janet got up from her seat and placed a small kiss on Katrina's cheek before going into the kitchen to get her a drink.
"Why are you like this to Janet?" Katrina was on the urge of getting that duffle bag but she fought the temptation.
"Sister jokes, yah know, why do you care?"
"Because I love her"
"I know you're faking this" Marie didn't want to believe it but also didn't believe it.
"Faking what"
"Faking this whole 'relationship thing' I mean, Janet isn't even gay" Katrina realised her and Janet hadn't even talked about this sort of thing when Marie said that, they both weren't heterosexual but neither had sad anything about it.
"Well she's definitely not straight..." That was one fact Katrina knew.

"Here you go" Janet handed Katrina a glass of vodka, it looked like water but it definitely wasn't.
Janet sat back next to Katrina and lay her head on her shoulder again as Katrina wrapped her arm around Janet's waist. She didn't know whether she should mention what Marie just said but she decided not to.

*knock knock knock*

Janet got up from her place again and walked towards the door, twisted the doorknob and saw Nona standing there.
"Hello pumpkin I heard Marie was here so I thought I'd say hi"
"Come in Ma"
They walked to the living room and Janet introduced Katrina to her mother, realising they had never met properly.
"Oh a Russian, very nice" Nona was always there to say her opinion which Janet knew where Marie got her attitude from.
"Are you two uh" Nona pointed her finger back and forth between Katrina and Janet, basically saying are you two a thing.
Janet knew that if she told Nona about the relationship that the whole country would know, she gossiped a lot but then she realised that Marie already knew who was a bigger gosspier than Nona, so she decided to tell her.
"Yep" Janet replied, simply but that one word was enough for Nona to start talking again.
"That's very nice, just to let you know I'm very hip and very now and I support that"
Janet's family may have been annoying at times but they were supportive of this sort of stuff.
"Thanks Ma"

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(You probably noticed but two of the scenes from this part were tik toks on @kallmekris on tik tok, to check her out her characters are awesome!)

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