It Really Is Love

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Katrina was taken back by what Janet just said, it was like she had seen them so many times she didn't even need to look at them to say it.
Carol was also quite shocked, at first she thought it was a joke but Janet seemed serious and didn't hesitate at all.
"what?" Katrina asked not really knowing how to respond
"your eyes" Janet replied.

*Katrina POV*
She said it again? She said it again. What? Why? Why? What do I do? What do I say to that? It obviously wasn't a joke, if it was, Janet would be laughing right now but her face is blank, she meant it.

*Back to normal POV*
"Okay my turn" Carol tried to change the subject when she noticed Katrina faintly blushing but trying to hide it.
She rolled the dice and it landed on orange.
She picked up the card and read it.
"best ways to entertain kids in the house"
"Technology" Carol laughed, jokingly.
"Frozen 1 and 2" Janet said also laughing, the other 2 knew how much Riley loved Frozen.
Janet and Carol looked at Katrina who was staring into space.
"Katrina?" They both said at the same time.
"Oh um what was the question?"
"Doesn't matter, its your turn now"
Katrina rolled the dice and it landed on blue.
She read out the blue card.
"Give this card to the person you would most likely date"
She thought for a second, knowing she would pick Janet but not wanting to make it obvious to Carol about it so she pretended to hesitate.

After a couple seconds, she handed the card to Janet and they smiled at each other.
Carol pretended to act offended but didn't actually mind, it was all for fun and games, nothing serious.

"Sorry Carol, it's only because she complimented me" Katrina stated, this was clearly not the reason, she wasn't a good liar but she tried and Carol didn't question anything, she had no clue about either of the other two's feelings.
Carol just scoffed jokingly in response and told Janet it was her turn.
The game went on for about an hour, it was really entertaining for them especially because of how close all three of them were; they could all take jokes.

It started to become late, Riley was staying over at her dad's overnight, Misha and Sergei were also staying at their grandaprents' overnight and Diamond, Buddy and Texas were all in their rooms asleep so Janet, Katrina and Carol decided to sleep the night at Carol's.
The living room had 2 chairs either side of a 3-seat couch, a tv infront of the sofa and a coffee table in the middle on top of a rug. Katrina and Carol were on the chairs and Janet was on the couch.
Carol fell asleep first, she was that type of person to go to sleep early, wake up early and be very productive but the other two were almost complete opposites, they liked to stay up late so they stayed awake for a bit longer just talking about anything.

Without realising, they spoke for about an hour and both started to get slightly exhausted so they agreed that she should go to sleep, knowing that Carol will wake them up early in the morning no matter what.

Janet thought back to the last time her and Katrina had a game night and fell asleep, she felt safe when in Katrina's arms.
Janet looked over at Katrina and patted the spot next to her completely forgetting about Carol being able to see them in the morning, Katrina took the hint straight away and sat next to Janet, they both soon fell asleep lying down next to each other, arms around one another.

*in the morning*

Carol woke up first, not surprisingly, and went straight to the kitchen to make a morning coffee and shower before her friends woke up. It was about 8am so they weren't going to be up for a while.
She drank her coffee in the kitchen and made her way to the bathroom after visiting her bedroom for clothes and a towel.
After Carol was ready for the day she made her way back to the living room expecting the other two to be up by then, it was 9am and to her, that was late.
She opened the door to the living room and saw something very unexpected, they were both still asleep but not only that, Katrina had moved onto the couch and they were... Cuddling?
She would have believed it was 'just because they were asleep' but Katrina had moved from one seat to another which wouldn't happen when she's asleep.
Carol didn't know what to do so she woke them both up and they just looked up at her, without even using words, she could tell by their gaze that they were asking why she woke them up.
"What are you both doing?"
"Um" they looked at each other, not really wanting to move but knowing they were going to have to if they didn't want to tell Carol about all of this yet.
"Carol can you give us a sec?" Janet asked trying to be polite even if she didn't want to be woken up.
"of course" even though she was confused, she was the type of person that was always give her friends privacy when requested or necessary.
Carol walked out the room and shut the door.
"Do we tell her?" Janet asked
"I want to but we don't even know what we are or what 'we' even is" Katrina replied
"Well, what do you want to be?" Janet put Katrina on the spot for a reason.
"I-um I well you know how I feel and I know you feel the same, well at least I think I do" Katrina had no clue what to say so she just stated what she already knew.
"of course I do, we feel the same but what do we do"
"do you want to- let's just tell Carol maybe she could help us" Katrina hated hesitating but this was a time is was practically necessary.
"sure, Carol!!!" Janet shouted for Carol and she rushed in straight away still needing answers.
"me and Katrina well um I love her and-"
"I love her too" Katrina finished Janet's sentence, helping her out a little.
"Oh that's great! So are you two dating or-" Carol definitely supported them but wanted to know what they were.
"um no not yet"
"yet?" Katrina made this come out confused but she secretly was excited that Janet said yet at the end of her sentence.
"well um I don't know"
"do you want to?"
"I mean, I wouldn't want to force you"
"how would you be forcing me?"

1137 words

OooOoOoooOooo third wheeler Carol xD

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