A Different Janet

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A/n, I'm sorry I put so many authors notes on these but I just want to say, tysm for 300 reads AND the amazing comments, you are all so nice and amazing tysm! I hope you're having an amazing day and enjoy this chapter! :)
In the car on the way home, Janet decided to talk to Riley even though she knew how Riley was about this whole Katrina thing.
"What did you mean earlier when you said 'I saw the way you looked at her' ?"
Janet knew what Riley meant but she needed to hear it, she needed to know how obvious she was being.
"I saw you stare at her for so long"
"I don't fink people who are best friends do that"
Janet didn't know what to say, Riley was right and she hated that but it was true, she did love Katrina but she didn't know how to tell her, Katrina did it, but by accident, she wanted to tell her but also didn't want to.
"Should I tell Katrina?"
"I think she already knows"
"no she doesn't"
"well she's going to soon"
"Riley, what did you do"
"I told Misha and Sergei to tell Katrina"
"Well you weren't going to do it, us toddlers had to take it into our own hands"
Even though Janet was annoyed at her daughter she felt slightly relieved she didn't have to reveal it to Katrina herself but she now had to think of her next move.
Two best friends being in love with each other, both knowing about the others' feelings, what do they do? They can't just stay friends.

The rest of the car ride was silent, Riley was just day dreaming and staring out the window and Janet was thinking about Katrina and what to do next.
When they pulled up in the driveway, Janet and Riley got everything they needed out of the car and went inside the house. It was just like the day before, Riley went to her room and Janet thought for a while but instead of being confused about how she felt, she was confused about many other things.

The phone started ringing, Janet lifted it and the screen read a number and 'Carol' beneath it. She answered with a 'hello' and heard her friend Carol speaking across the line.

"Hey Janet! I was wondering if you want to come to my house tomorrow to have a little chit chat and some drinks!"

"Sure why not! What time?"

"Anytime between 6 and 7!"

"Alright that's perfect, cya"

"Bye!" Carol spoke with her strong southern accent clearly shining through.

She ended the call and Janet knew that it was perfect because Riley was going to her dad's tomorrow so it planned out well.
"Riley, remember your going to your dad's tomorrow morning!"
"Otay!" Riley replied.
Janet didn't usually feel this excited when visiting Carol but this time she did, it was going to be nice to catch up with her and to get a bit of stress off of this whole situation, it wasn't very stressful but Janet didn't want to affect something that had been there for so long.
That night, Riley didn't go back to her room after dinner, she stayed downstairs with her mom as they watched tv.
"I'm going to Carol's tomorrow whilst you're at your dad's but if you need me just call me and I'll pack you a lunch because he's taking you out for the day"
"Otay! Thank you!"
Janet smiled at Riley and looked back at the tv.
"Tan I put Fwozen on?"
"Sure Riley"
"You can put Frozen on"
"But you always say no and that you're fed up with it, you've changed"
Riley and Janet giggled and Janet put frozen on the television, Riley stared at it in awe like she had never seen it before even though it was the only thing she ever watched, along with Frozen 2.
After about 10 minutes of the film, Janet went into the kitchen to make Riley's lunch for the next day, she placed a loaf of bread, a block of cheese, a cucumber, an apple and a packet of cheese biscuits on the island. She made the cheese sandwich with thin pieces of cheddar cheese in between two pieces of seeded bread, cut it in half and wrapped it in foil.
Janet then cut the cucumber into small circular slices and washed the apple, she wrapped the pieces of cucumber in foil and put a paper towel with the apple.
Afterwards, Janet took a small pot and tipped some cheese biscuits into it, placing all of the lunch into a bag and putting it in the fridge for the morning.

"Time for bed Riley"
They both made their way upstairs and into bed, Janet decided to go to bed earlier today, she was feeling happier than usual.

In the morning, Riley went into Janet's room to wake her up like per usual but today it was different, Janet was nowhere to be seen. Riley made her way downstairs and saw her mum making eggs and bacon.
"Morning Riley"
"You're up?"
"yup, I thought I would get up earlier to make you some breakfast" she explained as she plated an egg and two pieces of bacon onto a plate for Riley.
"You've changed"
"You keep saying that"
"It's true!"
Riley was confused why her mum was acting so strange, it was nice but very very different. They started eating breakfast at the table and Riley gasped, realising all of the strange action.
"It's Katrina isn't it"
"what?" Janet was confused, what was Katrina?
"You're happier because of Katrina"
"I've known her for so long Riley why would she be changing me now?"
"Because you now know she loves you and you love her back"
"It's twue!"
"IT IS!"
"Riley what do I do now?"
"What" Riley was getting confused why her mum was asking her for love advice but she liked how she was at the same time, Riley was only 4 but she was definitely a smart 4 year old.
"I love Katrina but what do I do now?"
"I... Don't know"
She thought she would know this sort of stuff but she really didn't.
"We can't just be best friends if we both feel like this"
"Anyways, you finished?" Janet pointed to Riley's plate indicating that she's going to take it to the sink.
"Yup! Tank you!"
"No problem Riley"
Riley left the table and went to get dressed and get her backpack. When she was ready and so was her mum, they headed into the car on the way to Roger's house.

1085 words

Falling hard// Janet x KatrinaWhere stories live. Discover now