New Feelings

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A/n: YOO 200 READS TYSM!!!
Riley and Janet arrived home and nothing was said, they went inside and all the boxes were gone, Janet realised Roger was moving out that day and he had probably already gone.
"Riley are you hungry?"
"Do we have any Dino nuggies?"
"we have 2 left, I'll call you when they are ready"
Riley walked off into her bedroom and Janet put the dino nuggies in the oven, set the timer for 20 minutes and sat down of the couch but instead of watching tv, she thought about that previous night and that morning, so much had happened. She wanted to know how she felt about Katrina but she really didn't know, she felt so clueless at that moment. It felt like after the way they slept and what had been revealed to her, new emotions had been unlocked, she just had to figure out what those emotions were... time, time is what she needed.
She sat and thought for ages, what felt like years jsut thinking about anything and everything that involved Katrina, she was one person that she could tell anything to but with this situation, Katrina was the main part of it so she couldn't, this was something Janet had to do herself.

*beep beep beep*

The oven alarm started going off signaling that the food was ready, Janet walked to the kitchen and served up the nuggets on a small plate.
"Riley, Dino nuggets are ready!"
"Otay! Coming Mom!"
Footsteps were drawing closer to Janet as Riley came running down the hall.
She grabbed the plate and sat at the island, starting to talk to her mom.
"Me, Misha and Sergei were playing dis game where they are knights and I'm a princess and they have to save me from the monster! Although, we didn't get to finish it, when do I get to see them again?" Riley wondered, her plan going smoothly.

"Soon, I have to get my head around a few things first," Riley knew what those things were, I mean, who didn't? It was so obvious.
Even though she's 4, Riley was really good at reading emotions by tone of voice, words and facial expressions, she knew what she had to do for Janet to realise these feelings she just didn't do it yet, it was a bit soon to start doing anything too sceptical.
"Otay, what about tomorrow?" Riley asked
"Riley I- okay fine" Janet was too busy with other things to fight with Riley, especially after knowing she would get her way in the end anyway, it was better to just agree straight away sometimes.

*the next day*

"come on Riley, time to go" Janet grabbed Riley's backpack that she carried everywhere and put it in the car with Riley following behind. Janet had asked Katrina if her and Riley could go because Riley wanted to see the boys again and Katrina agreed, the phone call was short and about 30 seconds long.

They were in the car and Janet seemed a bit more upbeat today, so Riley took this chance.
"Are you excited to see Katrina?"
"I mean, yea, she's my best friend"
Riley sighed, she thought her mum would never acknowledge the feelings she really had, it started to get irritating, she knew Janet loved Katrina and not in a 'best friend' way.

They arrived at Katrina's house and Janet knocked on the door.
"Are you excited to see Misha and Sergei?"
Janet heard the excitement in Riley's voice which helped her a slight bit.
The door opened revealing Katrina and her 2 boys in the back standing and waiting for Riley.
"Hey guys!"
"hey Riley"
"Hi Riley"
They both had strong Russian accents but a hint of American did come through at times. All 3 kids ran off to the bedroom to carry on from where they left off.

Katrina invited Janet in and they sat down, starting small talk to ease the tension.
"So what have you been up to?" Katrina started the conversation this time.
"Nothing new really, Roger moved out yesterday but it didn't feel much different as he was away a lot before" Janet said, not changing the tone in her voice indicating it didn't hurt her much.
"Ah okay" Katrina replied.
Neither wanted to mention what happened before but it was starting to get awkward, this couldn't happen, the friendship couldn't be ruined like this, Katrina would blame herself, Janet would blame herself and neither would be happy but they really had no idea what to do.

Janet started staring at Katrina, Katrina's head slightly drooped. She noticed her emerald eyes shimmering from the sunlight reflecting from the window and her short blonde wavy hair being moved now and then by the breeze coming through the open windows, she stared for longer than she realised, a lot longer.
Katrina looked up at Janet, realising how powerful her stare was, it wasn't intimidating it was almost comforting. She hated how she loved Janet but she couldn't help it, the feeling starting coming up again, surfacing in her heart. They both were now staring deeply in to each others eyes until Janet snapped out of it and looked down instantly, she realised what she had done, what was happening?

It was like after that night, so many emotions were flowing out after something had unlocked in her heart. Janet never realised they were ever there, trapped in a box in her, never being able to come out but the key had been found. The key that helped her know how she felt. That key was Katrina.

Janet snapped out of her thoughts for like the fifth time that day, was she really thinking about that night or was she just thinking about Katrina, she didn't know but she didn't think it would become this, whatever this even is.
"Do you want a drink?" Katrina asked, a hint of confusion in her words.
"Yea, I'll have whatever"
Katrina walked off into the kitchen and coincidentally, Riley walked in as soon as Katrina left the room.
Riley was smiling but Janet just thought she was happy to be seeing her friends.
"Hey mom!"
"Hi Riley"
"How's Katrina?"
"I think she's okay"
"what Riley?"
"I saw the way you looked at her"
"just then"
Katrina walked back into the room with the two drinks and saw Riley suddenly smirk at her and then run away before she sat down.
"What was that about?" Katrina wondered as she placed the two full glasses on the wooden coffee table.
"Apparently Riley, Misha and Sergei have been watching us"
"F-for how long?" Katrina started getting paranoid, she has never stuttered before, well at least never infront of Janet but she was worried that she was being too obvious and it was making things even more awkward.
"I'm not sure, probably the whole time we have been here"
To help the strong amount of tension they both had, Katrina turned on the television and put on a show, Janet's favourite show.
They watched for around an hour and Janet decided to go home, she knew Riley wouldn't need to finish this 'game' seen as she was watching her and Katrina for most of the time anyway.
"Hey, I'm gonna head out, thanks for letting us over, see you soon" Janet said with a soft smile as she walked into the bedroom and called for Riley.
"Alright, see you" Katrina replied.

1259 words

Falling hard// Janet x KatrinaWhere stories live. Discover now