The Beginning

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"how would you be forcing me?"

Carol was still confused, she wanted to ask more about it but let them finish first.
"I don't know..." Janet responded, she didn't actually know she did want to but didn't want to make Katrina feel obligated to.
"Janet will you go out with me?"
They both smiled, letting out sighs of relief that the conversation was over and that they both had what they wanted even if they did it more awkwardly than what was necessary.
"aww I'm so happy for you both!" Carol excitedly said, "So how did this start?"
The other two looked at each other waiting for the other to talk, Katrina thought she should explain seen as she was the one who started all of this.
"Well, I accidentally revealed my feelings for Janet when we were playing a card game, that night was the worst, I didn't mean to, it just happened"
"and I was really shocked about it"
"Da, we then fell asleep and basically slept in the same position we are right now"
"yea, Riley, Misha, Sergei and Chad all saw us in the morning and then Riley questioned me about how I feel and that's when I started to realise. We met up again the next day, the kids told us they had a game to finish but really they tried to get us together again. Riley told Misha and Sergei about how I felt about Katrina who then told her and then here we are"
"Wow, that's a lot" Carol responded, In shock about how much it was but also that she didn't know.
"Well, do you two want some breakfast?" Carol offered.
"yea, I could do with some breakfast"
"me too" Katrina replied.
They were all pretty hungry after not having much to eat on the night, just a few snacks like pretzels and crisps (chips for Americans).
"I'll go get you both some cereal" Carol presented a warm smile on her face as she walked out of the room and into the kitchen, leaving Janet and Katrina alone.
"Riley is going to be over the moon when I tell her" Janet laughed, Riley was obsessing over this crush that Janet had developed.
"Misha and Sergei have never really been so obsessive over something until this, they'll be glad too" Katrina replied, slightly laughing, she never really laughed much, she was more of a sarcastic person.
Katrina was now sitting up and Janet's head was laying in her lap whilst they waited for their cereal.
Carol came in a few seconds later with two bowls full and passed them both to her two friends who were now both sat up but still sitting close to each other.
"So what are you both planning on doing today?"
"Not sure" they both said in sync whilst taking one mouthful of their cereal at a time.
They talked for about an hour  until Janet had to go pick up Riley and Katrina had to pick up Misha and Sergei so they both left, thanking Carol for everything.
"Bye you two!" Carol shouted as they drove off of her driveway.
Roger's house wasn't very far from Carol's so the drive for Janet was small and when she arrived, Riley was waiting for her at the door.
"Hey mom!"
"Hey Riley, did you have a nice time?"
"Yup! We went to the zoo and then went out for dinner!"
"Oh that sounds fun!"
"it was, how was Carol's house?"
"Good" Janet couldn't help but smile about what happened which Riley noticed.
"What did you do?"
"We just played some games and talked"
"that's it?" Riley knew it was more than that by Janet's facial expressions.
"Mom, what else happened, you wouldn't be smiling so much if that's all you did"
"you're so nosey" Janet knew she was going to tell Riley but she was planning on doing it after they went out that night (they talked about going out the next day before they left Carol's)
"it's Katrina isn't it"
"No, there's nothing to tell you"
"Oh, you're going to Uncle Chad's tomorrow, for only a couple hours"
"Will Misha and Sergei be there?" Riley knew that if the answer was yes, Her mum was definitely going out with Katrina.
"how did you do that?" She knew Riley found out so Janet just gave up.
"So you are?"
Riley smiled at the news, her plan was coming together nicely and she actually had to do less than she thought. The date was obviously going to go well and Riley knew that, she knew that they were perfect for each other.

Once they got home, Janet helped Riley unpack her things and asked her more about her trip like what animals she saw and what she had for dinner.
"Oh and one more thing, does Carol know?" Riley wondered how many people she had to tell, she wanted to tell so many but tried to keep it to a minimum.
"Yes she does"

After unpacking, Janet decided to get pizza for dinner from dominoes and when they both had eaten, Riley helped Janet decide what to wear for the next day.

They were choosing between navy blue jeans, a dark purple top with silver necklaces or black cuffed jeans (😏) and a white floral shirt tucked into them.

They both decided on the floral shirt and black jeans and watched a film together, surprisingly it wasn't Frozen but Riley still watched it and enjoyed it. They were both excited for the next day, Riley was excited to see her two friends and about hearing about the date and Janet was excited about the date.
The film ended and both Riley and Janet were quite tired so they went to bed, saying goodnight to each other before dozing off.

970 words

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