Divorce Papers

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After about an hour, both the families parted and went home.
"Tan we listen to fwozen PWEASEEEE" Riley nagged her mom once again, it was a routine at this point, Riley nags, Janet says no, Riley nags again, Janet gives in.
"Riley, if I listen to frozen one more time I think I'm going to explode"
"Riley no."
"You can have one song."
Janet put one song from Frozen on and when it ended, she put some pop music that was on the radio. Riley shockingly didn't notice which was unusual but Janet ignored it, everyone was acting kind of strange that day.

*Riley POV*
I thought about Katwina and my mom, I know she had a cwush on her its obvious but I need to fink of a plan for my mom to find out on her own. I started day dweaming about Fwozen, it's hard to focus on one fing otay?

*back to other POV*

The car pulled up in the driveway of the house, Roger's car was gone, he told Janet he was going to work but they both knew that was a lie, he just didn't want to see her. Janet wanted to tell Katrina so badly about the up-coming divorce so she could have support but she was worried she would come off as weak, so she never told her.

"Riley, because you've let me play only one Frozen song and not the whole soundtrack, you can have Dino nuggies for dinner" Janet told Riley, immediately watching her face light up after hearing the words 'Dino nuggies'.
"Otay! Thanks Mom!" Riley responded and immediately went to her room afterwards to carry on finishing her movie from earlier and then playing Frozen 2.
It became around 5:30pm and Janet put the Dino nuggies in the oven, they had to cook for about 20 minutes, she was debating on whether to do chips (fries for Americans) or Pasta but settled on chips (fries).
Everything was ready and Janet gave Riley 4 Dino nuggies and a small portion of chips, she knew that Riley preferred to have a large amount of Dino nuggies than a large amount of chips.
Roger still wasn't home but Riley didn't question it, he had been 'working' a lot recently so she just thought he was working late again.
"Oh, you're going to uncle Chad's tomorrow, I'm going to Katrina's for a bit so Misha and Sergei will be there too"
"Otay!" Riley loved seeing her friends, they always taught her cool things like karate and different sports, she didn't really do well but Misha was always praising her for her efforts (Ooooo Misha x Rileyyyyyyy).
Riley was tucked into bed by Janet and soon fell asleep.
Janet made her way downstairs, opened some pure vodka and tipped it into a glass, taking sips now and then, she heard the doorknob turn and Roger walk through, they still talked but not how a couple would, more like how mutual friends would.
"I got the papers" he said, taking some papers out of his bag and putting them on the kitchen island.
"Okay, might as well get this over with, where do I sign?"
"Right there, Roger's finger pointed to a dotted line at the bottom of the page and handed Janet a pen, she wrote her signature on the line and did this for each paper, until all were filled in, he then did the same himself. (I have no clue about how divorces work don't come at me)
"Where are you going to live and when are we going to tell Riley?" Janet had many questions but these seemed like the most important ones for the time being.
"I'm living with my mum until I find a place and maybe we should tell her tomorrow because I'm moving out in 2 days so she's going to wonder about the boxes."
"okay, but you're telling her with me"
"I know, I know"
"Alright well night" Janet said as she walked out the room, the divorce didn't affect her much at this point, it was done so there was no going back, crying won't change anything.
"Night" she heard Roger say from the distance.

--------- (time skip)

Riley woke Janet up again today, it was like her personal alarm but if it didn't go off so early, she wouldn't mind as much.
They did the same as the day before, Riley watch frozen whislst eating cereal and Janet watches TV whilst eating cereal but this time, Roger was home.
Riley heard him get out of his bedroom and went out of hers to give him a hug.
"Hey dad! Morning!" Riley said, hugging him around his waist.
"Hey Riley, Good morning to you too, did you sleep well?" He loved Riley and hoped that Janet would let him see her when he did move out, if she wasn't angry at him of course.
"Good fank you!" Riley responded, going back to her room to continue her movie.
"Morning Janet"
"Morning Roger"
The room became silent, it wasn't too uncomfortable, they both just carried on with their daily lives.
Not much happened and it was around 12pm (lunchtime not midnight), Janet and Roger agreed it was time to break the news to their daughter.
"Riley, can you come here for a sec" Both the parents shouted, making sure Riley heard over her loud film.
"Otay!" she walked into the living room and sat on the floor looking up at them.
"So Riley, we both love you so so much and this won't change that but" Janet looked at Roger for a second, asking him to carry on.
"We are having a divorce which means we aren't together anymore, I'm still your daddy and Janet is still your mommy but I won't be living here anymore, your mom and I have agreed that I will see you on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays so you will still see me, I love you Riley" Roger said, all of his words coming from the heart.
Riley was obviously shocked but not too much, she hadn't seen her dad almost at all so it felt like something not too spontaneous. She supported her parents' decision even though it did hurt a little bit.
"Otay, I know it's for the best, I wove you both" she replied.
"We love you too Riley" Janet said, sending a warm smile to her daughter and hugging her, Roger joined in after a few seconds. Riley went back to her room, she started thinking of what to do with Misha and Sergei later, she knew they would cheer her up.

The time was 5pm, Janet made dinner earlier today because of her going to Katrina's at 6 and most likely not having dinner, she made pasta and grated some cheese, she called for Riley. Roger came, thanked her for the food and ate in the bedroom as he was busy packing.
Janet and Riley sat and ate, both pretty excited for seeing their friends later on.

1163 words!

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