Getting Romantic

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A/n so I feel like this chapter is a bit cheesy but I had no idea how to write it so oh well, hope you're all having a good day!! Also, 800 reads?!? Wtf!! Thank you so much ❤️


Janet woke up on her own again, she'd been doing it every day since that one night. Riley had gotten used to it by now and in fact felt so happy that she had found someone she loved.
Janet was making pancakes for a change and had already made 2 by the time Riley came into the kitchen.
"Morning Riley"
"Hey Mom"
She grabbed the plate of 2 pancakes, slathered them in syrup and walked over to the dining table to start eating.
"Woah these are so good fanks Mom!"
"No problem"
Janet soon accompanied Riley at the table with her two pancakes and they started small talk.
"Are you excited for later?" Riley wondered, genuinely curious, she knew she would be excited though.
"Of course I am, I just don't want to ruin anything"
"like I told you, I'll say it again you are perfect for each other"
This made Janet smile, Riley may have only been 4 but she made Janet feel so happy at times like this.
After breakfast, they both had a very relaxing, chill day until around 4pm, Riley was being dropped off at Chad's at 5pm and Katrina was picking up Janet at 5:15pm so she had an hour to get ready. Janet got into the outfit her and Riley had picked, put on some makeup and did her hair, she only put on a little bit of makeup with some red lipstick, mascara, eyeliner and powder and did her hair like she did on a daily basis.
When Janet was ready, her and Riley set off to Chad's house and dropped Riley off.
"Hey Chad, thanks for watching Riley"
"No problem, what are you dressed up for?" Before Janet could reply Riley immediately said "she's going on a date!"
"Oh that's cool, with who?"
Riley looked at Janet for consent to say who and Janet jsut shrugged her shoulders not really caring.
"Katrina!" Riley said this excitedly as Chad's mouth widened.
"Oh wow, really?"
"mhm" Janet said quietly as she looked down.
"Well have fun! Come on lil dude let's go play" Chad invited Riley in and shut the door after waving goodbye to Janet.

She arrived back home and got her purse ready, waiting for Katrina to arrive.

*ding dong*

The doorbell rang and as Janet opened the front door, Katrina stood there with a bottle of wine.
"I know you're not into flowers so I bought you this instead" she said with a strong Russian accent.
"Thank you" Janet replied, she took the bottle and put it in a table next to the door and then walked out grabbing her jacket on the way.
"So, where are we going?" Janet asked, realising she had made no plans and felt guilty for that.

"My favourite place"

Janet thought it was going to be a bar but when the car parked outside of a secluded park, she got confused.
"A park?"
Instead of Katrina replying, she grabbed Janet's hand and pulled her into the park.
As they left the alleyway a beautiful field was revealed, there were trees dotted here and there and a patch of flower in the middle. The trees were the perfect height, great for shade but not covering the midnight blue night sky.
Katrina pulled Janet to a bench in the middle of the patch of flowers and they sat down.
"Wow" Janet said, surprised that Katrina's place was actually a place of nature.
"I thought we could talk here for a bit and then go out to dinner somewhere"
"Sure, that sounds great"
A peaceful, comfortable silence filled the air as they watched the leaves wave in the nighttime breeze and the stars glimmer over them.
"How did you find this place?" Janet wondered, it was pretty hidden.
"On my first week of moving to Boston, I was on a walk and found it and I come here every now and then. I only bring people here who I trust." This was a soft side Katrina had never revealed before, it was peculiar but somewhat comforting.
Janet sent a heartening smile to Katrina as they stared into one another's eyes, they really were perfect for each other.
The moment lasted forever but they soon had to leave. They walked out of the field, through the alleyway and back to the car, ready to drive to a restaurant.
Once they arrived, Janet ordered a glass of wine and Katrina poured some vodka she had brought into a glass, neither of them were hungry so they shared a bowl of soup and finished quite quickly, allowing them to talk.

The night went smoothly, they already had known each other for years so it wasn't awkward or weird or uncomfortable it was just something neither of them had done before yet both wanted.
After an hour or two at the restaurant, Janet received a phone call from Chad.
"One second, sorry" she excused herself from the table apologising for the inconvenience.
"What Chad?"
"I was wondering if you and Katrina want to come back here for a bit ya know"
"Um, I'll go ask her"
"sick, no rush dude"
Janet walked back to the table, hand over the speaker and phone on her shoulder.
"Hey Katrina, Chad wants to know if you want to go back to his for a bit after this"
"Alright, why not"
Janet told Chad they'll be there in half an hour and the call ended.
Both women got up from their chairs and Katrina helped Janet put her coat on, they walked out and headed to the car.
"Thank you for this, It was really nice"
"Your welcome" Katrina smiled at Janet as she began driving towards Chad's house.

The date was peaceful but really comforting and almost relieving that they finally went on one.
"Do Misha and Sergei know about this?"
"They know some things, they don't know that we are together at the moment"
"ah okay"
They drove off away from the restaurant, Janet looked out the window watching everything that went past and Katrina focused on the road, thinking about the night.

1022 words

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