Expressing Opinions

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A/n So I've pre-read all chapters up until this one, I can't be bothered to read them so there might be more spelling errors then usual, if you don't know what a word is because it's misspelled tell me and I'll reply, sorry. ALSO WE HIT 1K READS WOAHHHHHHH TYSM!!!!!
After half an hour, Janet and Katrina arrived at Chad's house, Katrina opened Janet's door for her and they hopped out of the car, intertwining their fingers together without even realising.

*ding dong*

They rang the doorbell and stood in silence as they heard footsteps approaching the door.
"Hey you two, come on in"
Chad greeted them and gestured for them for enter his house, surprisingly, it was pretty clean and tidy, the decorations were quite plain but it wasn't badly decorated.

"How was your night?" He asked, on the way to the room where all the kids were playing who knows what.
"Very good" Katrina replied to him and Janet nodded in agreement.
They suddenly realised they were still holding hands and let go in time for the kids to come out of the room, they weren't embarrassed but Misha and Sergei didn't know too much about it yet, they were soon going to tell them.

"You two came at the same time, what a coincidence" Misha said, not realising what was going on, along with his twin brother Sergei.
Riley obviously hadn't told them which was surprising for her.
"Hey mom!"
"Hello Riley"
Riley could tell that her mum was happy and that's all that mattered to her.
"Misha, Sergei, come sit we have some news" Katrina told her sons, Janet and Riley followed behind as Chad came in with some juice for the kids.
"So, first tell me how much you know about me and Janet" Katrina started, making sure she didn't say anything she didn't have to.
Sergei spoke up first.
"You're in love with Janet, Janet is in love with you"
"Da" Misha replied
That's all they knew, there wasn't much more apart from the date but Janet was going to have to explain that to Riley anyway so she thought they might as well do it here.
"Me and Janet went out tonight whilst you stayed at Chad's"
"Otay, how did it go?"
Katrina looked over at Janet, waiting for her opinion on how it went.
"I think it went amazing" Janet replied looking at Katrina with a smile.
"Da, I agree" Katrina agreed, they both had a really great time that night.
They continued to explain everything to the others and then moved onto another subject, talking together for about an hour.
Janet and Riley left at around 10pm, the same time as Katrina and her sons.
The two families walked out and the kids jumped straight into the car.
"Thank you for tonight," Janet thanked Katrina for planning everything and taking her out.
"Anytime," Katrina cupped Janet's cheek and landed a small kiss on the other cheek causing Janet to blush a deep red.
They both walked separate ways towards their cars and exchanged goodbyes.

"Mom, why do you look like a tomato," Riley asked as they left the driveway.
"No reason" no matter how hard she tried, Janet couldn't resist putting a smile on her face.
"Otay..." She knew something happened because her mum was late getting into the car but she didn't want to question or ruin Janet's night so Riley stayed quiet.
The car ride home in Katrina's car was silent, she thought the boys would interrogate her or something but surprisingly, they stayed quiet.

Janet got home and poured herself a glass of wine from the kitchen after getting changed into some pajamas and showering. With the wine in one hand and her phone in the other, she decided to text Katrina.

Goodnight, thank you
again x

You don't need to thank
me, goodnight x

She smiled at Katrina responding straight away and then made Riley some dinner knowing that Chad would've just given her junk or something. It was going to be a late dinner but Riley had to eat.
"Riley dinner's ready!"
"Otay! What is it?"
"Cheese toastie" (I have no clue what they call them in America but its basically a toasted cheese sandwich)
"Otay Coming!"
Little footsteps were heard trickling down the stairs as Riley came into view through the door.
"Tank you mom"
"No problem, you can watch Frozen whilst you eat if you want to"
Riley made her way down the hallway to the living room and sat on the sofa, munching at her toastie whilst she watched the movie in awe, like every single other time she has watched it.
"Okay, screen times over, time for bed"
"Tan I watch the end?"
"No, you've watched it a million times its not gonna have some alternate ending"
"No Riley"
"You can finish it in the morning"
Riley ran out of the living room and into her bedroom with Janet turning off the tv and cleaning up Riley's plate from earlier.
She sat down and remembered the night she had, it was so peaceful and so special.

One thing that did confuse her was how much Katrina had changed, she was always strong and never spoke about feelings but now she's so open about them around Janet, she even kissed her on the cheek! It was unusual but she didn't think too much of it.

The clock turned 12 and Janet decided it was time to go to sleep, well not sleep but bed, she would most likely spend two hours scrolling through twitter or something and that's exactly what she did.

The next day was pretty normal, Riley went to the shops with her mum that day and complained like every other time that shreddies tasted like sticks and that she was never allowed anything with sugar in (she was she's just a drama queen), they collected their groceries and headed out the shop.
Janet stocked up her alcohol, three bottles of wine, 4 bottles of vodka (2 of them for when Katrina visited) and anything else she liked.

Janet opened her phone just to check for notifications after sitting on the couch and saw a text from her sister, Marie.


Coming over tomorrow😘

And you're telling me now?

Yup, see ya sis

Okay bye

"Oh my god" Janet rubbed her head, her sister was what you would say, the over-dramatic, rude, no filter, extra type of person, it was going to be a fun week.

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