Awkward Mornings

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The whole house was silent, after 10 minutes, Katrina walked out of the bathroom, she couldn't think of what to do or anything to say so she just sat down and drooped her head, looking at the floor awkwardly.
Janet darted her head towards Katrina when she heard her footsteps, she watched as she sat down and drooped her head, does she change the subject or keep it the same? What does she say if she does keep it the same?

"So um" Janet has to break the silence, she couldn't just sit there wondering what could've happened next if she spoke up but before she could speak again, Katrina interrupted.
"Janet I'm sorry"
"Sorry for what?"
"You know, ruining this night, ruining our friendship, ruining your life, putting all of my feelings onto you, everything"
"what? You haven't ruined the night, our friendship has definitely not been ruined at all, my life hasn't been ruined, me and Roger got a divorce anyway and I'm glad you told me about this, it must've felt nice to let the feelings out even if it was through a stupid game"
"you got a divorce?" Katrina was kind of shocked by this, shocked about it happening but also shocked that she didn't know.
"Yea, I wasn't going to tell you but um"
"oh okay, well uh"
It started to feel awkward again, Katrina wanted to change the subject, she didn't care about her feelings anyway, she just wanted to still have Janet as her friend.
"want to watch a movie?" Katrina asked
"sure, which one?"
"I don't mind, you pick"
Janet decided to pick a comedy film to brighten the mood, they started watching but not far into the film, both of them fell asleep, whilst unconscious, Janet lay next to Katrina with her arm around her, Katrina put her arm around Janet also whilst sleeping and they stayed there for the rest of the night.

In the morning, Janet woke up to Riley again, she didn't have much of a headache seen as she drank water and had no alcohol after it but she still couldn't remember much until she heard Katrina's voice. She realised they had slept there all night and Chad had brought all of the kids over to Katrina's house seen as her and Janet forgot to pick them up after falling asleep.
Janet jumped up and sat on the opposite side, trying to hide that her and Katrina has spent the night cuddling as they slept but everyone had already seen and were looking at Janet weirdly, Katrina woke up the same time as her and was now sitting awkwardly on the other side. They were sitting so far apart.

Everyone stayed silent and then Janet spoke up.
"Sorry Riley, we fell asleep and never picked you up"
"it's otay!" Riley wanted to mention whatever happened between Janet and Katrina but she stayed quiet.
"Mother, what is happening between you and Janet" Sergei didn't even hesitate when asking his mother the question, everyone's eyes widened and Katrina opened her mouth and then shut it, she then looked at Janet for an answer but neither of them really had one.
"um" that's all Janet could say, she didn't even know how she felt about Katrina but she definitely knew how Katrina felt about her.
"We just fell asleep whilst watching a movie" Katrina responded, slightly quieter than she usually spoke indicating she didn't want to talk about it.
"yea, it got pretty late and we were both tired" Janet helped carry on the subject, not really wanting to talk about it but knowing she had to say something.
"Otay, Let's go get some breakfast" Sergei replied, just as confused as everyone else.
They all got some cereal from Katrina's kitchen and sat awkwardly as they ate.
"Can I talk to your privately" Janet whispered to Katrina.
Katrina's heart started beating fast, not knowing what Janet was going to say, it could go 2 ways, 2 very different ways.
They both stood up, excusing themselves from the table and went into the living room where no one could hear them.

"I'm still not quite sure what happened last night but I don't want it to let us ruin our friendship, I've known you for so long and you are the most amazing, kind and funniest person I know" Janet said. This reassured Katrina a little bit also making her slightly blush, her cheeks became a darker pink and she had to look away for a second.

"Thank you Janet" are all the words she could get out, how was she going to keep all of these feelings in now that everyone knows. The words Janet just said made her almost flustered, she really did love her but couldn't put that pressure onto Janet, she told herself she was going to wait a bit.

Both women walked back into the kitchen and sat down, carrying on eating their breakfast, the day went on as normal as it could, Janet and Riley left Katrina's house about 12pm and went straight home but knowing Riley, it wasn't going to be a fun car ride for Janet but this time it wasn't because of Frozen.
"So do you like Katrina?" Riley asked, getting straight to the point which shocked Janet.
"RILEY!" she responded.
"sorry mom, I knew how she felt and she really does love you" Riley wasn't making this easy for Janet.
She could get not words out, no response or anything, Janet just kept driving, did Katrina really love her?


926 words (sorry for the shorter chapter)

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