(24) Tricky Slitheen

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~Sadly I dont own Doctor Who! But I do however own my OCs!~


"You're a slitheen from Raxicoricofalipatorious you're trapped here on Earth. You zapped away before the missile hit the building." The Doctor explains as we drag her into presentation room. I see the modle of the nuclear power plant. I walk straight up to it and knock the pieces down. I then quickly pick up the pandimensional surf board. "Fantastic!" I say with a low growl. Jack takes it form my arms saying it's full name. "Is that a transdimensional extrapolator!" The Doctor raises an eye brow at him. "Couldn't of said it better ourselves." The Doctor says looking at the board. "You didnt make this." Jack remarks. "I tinker." Blon says with a sly smile. "No he means you really didnt make it." I say to her snarkly. "I bet she stole it, she's not even a she, she's an it." Mickey remarks coldly. "But she's a little clever." The Doctor remarks saracastically. "She's right, this is way beyond you. You see that reacter reaches critical, the whole place will go swhooooshoplush!" Jack says while making a motion with his hands of the station blowing up. "You stand on this and you get surrounded by a forcefield. Zooom!" He demostrates a buble like motion. "You ride the cencusion all the way out of the solar system!" Mickey looks disgusted. "You'd blow up an entire planet just to get a lift?" Blon snorts back at him. "Like stepping on an ant hill." She hisses at the end. "How'd you come up with the name?" The Doctor asks her. I look up. "What blaid druig? It's welsh." I nod my head. "He means how did you come up with it?" She shrugs and walks around us. "I just picked it at random, is it important." I swallow a lump in my throat as the Doctor and I make eye contact. "What's it mean?" Rose aks from beside me. "Bad Wolf." The Doctor and I say at the same time. Rose's eyes widen from beside me. "But i've herd that loads of times." I bite the inside of my lip avoiding looking at her. "What's it mean, Eli? Doctor?" We look at one another. "Don't tell her, it's in her future and I can't say anything but that." I tell him in his mind. His serious face turns into his goofy grin, but I know deep inside that it's forced. "No it's like hearing something repeatidly on the radio. Anyway Margarett we're taking you home." The Doctor says clapping his hands together. "But isn't that the easy way, like letting her go?" Jack says with a shocked expression. "Wait we're going to Raxi-" Rose trails off. "Raxicoricofalipatorious." I state to her. "Raxicorico-" "Falipatorious." "Raxicoricofalipatorious, raxicoricofalipatorious! I DID IT!" We jump up and down and hug one another. "They have the death penalty." Blon states with a dark expression. "Not my problem." The Doctor says while taking my hand and he starts to escort me to the TARDIS.


"What a superb ship, how do you wrap the outside around the inside?" I scoff at her. "LIke we'd ever tell you." She just huffs. "You're wife doesnt know how to treat your guests, might want to fix that." I just roll my eyes and the Doctor shoots daggers in her direction. "You're not a guest, more like a prisoner." I go over and sit down in the jump seat. "The police box, is really a police box." Rose and I mutter at the same time. "I'm going to be executed if I get returned home. Which makes all of you my executioners." I rub the spot where Blon had pulled my hair, nearly scalping me. "I'm going to go take somthing for my headach. I'll be right back." I say while walking over to the Doctor. "Do you want me to come with you?" I shake my head and kiss his cheek. "Nah look after the slitheen." We hear Blon scoff. "Can you keep the domestics to a level to where I can stomach it. You two are disgusting." I smirk and pull the Doctor into a deep passionite kiss. "Choke on that." I say while walking in the direction of the Doctor's and I's room. After I take somthing for my spliting head ach, I turn to the direction of the console room. I get lurched the right side of the hallway harshly. I then start a full on run and enter the console room as the Doctor returns with blon huffing and puffing behind him. "What the hell have ya done?" The Doctor shouts at Jack. "I didn't do anything it just started going crazy!" He shouts back at him as Rose runs in breathless. "What's going on!" I see Blon start to take the skin of her right arm off. I take qucik action and I shove a confused Rose into captain Jack. I feel Blon's claw wrap around my neck tightly. I get lifted atleast 3 feat off the ground. "Make one wrong move and i'll snap her neck like a promise!" Blon growls at the Doctor. "I might have known." The Doctor growls back at her. "You fly boy, throw the extrabolator at my feet." Rose looks confused in her direction. "I thought you needed the nuclear power plant to explode?!" Blon just laughes at her. "This is much better!" I strugle to get loose out of her slimy claws. "I'm coming my angel stay strong." I hear the TARDIS in my mind. "Only you're not-go-going to g-get away with it." I gasp out. "She's right you know! Our ship will help stop you." The Doctor says a determined smile on his features. "It will make wonderful scrap metal." Blon snaps back at him. "You don't under stand our ship is the best ship in the universe, and right now you're hurting the person she loves and cares for the most. She would do anything to protect her." Suddenly a panle in the floor opens up, the heart of the TARDIS is in view. "So bright." Blon says dreamily. "Look into the light Margarett, look into it Blon." The Doctor urges her. Her grip on me loosens and I fall only to be caught by two strong arms. I cough as I hear her mumble. "Thank you." A brigtht light floods the room then vanishes. I hear the Doctor order Jack and Rose to close the panle. He looks down at me concern in his features. "I'm taking her to look at her injuries. Take blons egg and place her on the console, we'll be back shortly." As he carries me away I hear Rose and Jack keep saying, she's an egg. Instead of going to the med bay, the door to our room appears near by. He opens the door and walks me inside. I lean heavily on him and moan as a wave of pain sweeps over my neck. He lets me sit on the bed and he gently lifts my chin and I hear him growl under his breath. His hands are so soft, and so gentle, he flew right into Doctor mode. I see the oncoming storm flash accross his eyes. "Doctor." I say softly to him, he doesnt say anything. "Doctor." I try again a little more firmer. "Theta." I say while lightly grasping his wrists. "I'm alright sweetie. I promise." I say giving him a soft smile. Next thing that my mind can proces are his lips pressing agaisnt mine in a worrysome kiss. We break apart and he presses his forehead to mine. "I thought that she was going ta kill ya, and I wouldnt of been able to do a thing to stop it. You wouldnt of been able to regenerate." I cup is face with my left hand. "Hey, hey, hey. I'm fine look at me Theta Sigma, you can't blame your self. I pushed Rose out of the way. I'm fine so don't you fret you silly Time Lord." The Doctor stands up then walks into the bathroom. He comes back out two minutes later with a tube of cream in his hand. He kneels infront of me then puts some on his hand. He gently applies it to my bruised neck. In meere seconds I feel the skin repair itself. "Feeling better?" I nod my head and wrap my arms around his neck. I feel his arms wrap around me in a loving embrace. I felt the familiar tingling sinsation and knew I was leaving. "You're leaving." The Doctor states sadly at me. "It appears so. We'll see eacother soon. Maybe i'll just teleport to five minutes from now." Everything around me fades then reappears and i'm in twelves TARDIS. I turn around and smile. "Azriel!"



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