(26) The Five Doctors part 1

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~Sadly I don't own Doctor Who! But I do however own my OCs!~

A/N This won't be exactly the same if you've seen the episode. If you have not I suggest you do. I am currently on my way to Maryland to see family on the East Coast. I am on my second flight while writing this please excuse different characters, but it is the same basic plot line. I hope you enjoy this chapter, if so please vote this chapter up! If not I do apologize and the next episode or movie based chapters will be better. Thank you all for the love and support all of you have given me.

~Love, the girl who believed


I blink to clear my vision and find I am in the middle of a neighborhood. I look around confused not understanding where I was. "Eli!" I hear a familiar female voice shout my name. I turn around and see Sarah Jane waving at me from her front yard. She's currently in a pink suit.. I rush towards her and she meets me half way and we embrace in a hug. "I've missed you Eli, and the Doctor. Is he around by any chance?" Sarah asks with hopefulness in her brown eyes. I shake my head. "No, I've arrived here by myself, just about five minutes ago. I appeared right in the middle of the road, surprised no one noticed a girl randomly appear out of nowhere." I say with a light laugh. "Either way i'm so happy to see you." Sarah responds while hugging me. "You can stay with me until you can reach the Doctor." Sarah says while leading me into her house. "Welcome home mistress, mistress." K-9 says greeting us at the door. "K-9!" I say while rushing to the robotic dog. "I've missed you boy." I say while petting him. "As I have missed you mistress." I see Sarah has a fond smile on her lips. "I'll see if he'll answer his phone for once." I say while standing up, i search my pockets and find I don't have my phone. "Great, fantastic." I say searching all over myself. "What's wrong?" Sarah wonders. "I don't have my phone, i must of left it on another TARDIS." I say sadly. "Plus I don't know the number to call the TARDIS by heart yet." Sarah hugs me tightly. "It's alright, he always seems to turn up doesn't he?" I nod my head. I finally get a good look at Sarah. She's wearing a baby pink suit that has a white underneath, and she has a black tie on. Her pink skirt goes a little past her knees. I then realize she's in the outfit that she was in during The Five Doctors. "Where are you off to anyway?" I ask her curiously. "I'm about to head off to work. You're more then welcomed to join me, I would love the company." I smile at her and nod my head. "Sure I would love to SJ." She shows me to my own room, apparently this situation i'm in has happened before. I also keep clothes there. I pick out a pair of baby blue skinny jeans, a pink floral spaghetti strap flowy top with a black woman suit jacket. I grab some black ankle high flat boots. I take a quick shower and curl my hair and do light make-up with pink lipstick. I walk into the living room when i'm done. "You look stunning as always Eli." Sarah compliments me. "Thank you SJ, you always look stunning." I reply back to her. As we exit her house i put on some aviators that have a pink tint on the lenses. "Dnager, dnager. Mistress I detect danger." I hear K-9 trail behind us. "Oh don't be silly, everything is alright K-9." Sarah waves the robot dog off. "We'll be back soon boy don't worry." I say as we close the white fence door behind us. "I wonder what that dog was going on about this time?" Sarah wonders as we head to the bus stop by her house. "Do you hear that?" I ask her as a slight whirling sound, not wheezing enter my ears. I look above and to the left of us and i see a white spinning vortex coming for us. "Sarah?" I ask with a shaky voice. "Yes?" She asks. "I think we should run." I say while grabbing her hand. "Why?" I then point to the vortex and she gasps. "Yes I think we should." We start full force in the direction of her house. I knew we weren't going to out run this thing but the least we could do is try. I gasp as the vortex thing sucks us up. The sensation i felt was odd, it felt familiar but yet more numbing then tingling. We finally get tossed out of it and we land on a dirt road. "Oh that was awful." Sarah complains. "I couldn't agree more SJ." I stand up and help Sarah stand up as well. "Where are we anyway?" Sarah asks while dusting her self off. "Gallifrey, well the Death Zone on Gallifrey." I say dusting my jeans off. I see Sarah is about to tumble down the hill on the side of the road, there's a drop off that's about 50 feet of the ground. "Sarah look out!" I say while grabbing her arm and pulling her, I pulled her to fast this caused me to spin and slip and fall down the hill instead of her. I hit my head on a rock and blacked out. I hear honking and blink my eyes open. I'm laying against a rock on the hill not even two feet from the drop off. "Help! Someone has fallen down the hill." I hear Sarah's panicked voice shout. "Is it Eli?" I hear the third Doctor's voice ask. "Doctor? Never mind i'll ask later. Yes it is she saved me from falling down there instead, she's unconscious and I can't reach her." Sarah's voice says even more panicked. I groan and I look up at the Doctor and Sarah. "Eli darling? Can you hear me my dear." I give him a thumbs up. He tosses me a rope and i tie it around my waist. He uses Bessie to get me up to the road and once I am he rushes to me and helps me up. I dizzily hang on to his plaid cover. "Let's get you into Bessie." He says softly while leading me to the yellow roadster. I get set down in the passenger seat. "Here take these." The Doctor says while handing me two pink and purple marble pills. "I carry these around for you, it's for the pain in your head and if you have a concussion." I smile and take the pills with some where that was in the back of Bessie. "Thank you Doctor." I say as the pain subsides. "How are you here? You're not, not." Sarah tries to find the right words. "Big teeth and curls. No not yet." The Doctor says with a light chuckle. "You need to head to the tomb of Rassilon Doctor. That's all I can say without ripping a hole in the fabric of space." I say sadly. "I know my dear." At that moment for what ever reason I wanted to just be hugged. I wrap my arms tightly around the Doctor's waist. "I've missed you as well my Azriel." Three says into my hair. "Eli you're fading in and out, whats going on?" Sarah as alarmed. I gasp and back away. "What? No way i can't be going yet everything just started!" I say as tears threaten to fall down my face. "Doctor please don't let me go!" I plead as I see my hand fade in and out. "I wish i could." The Doctor responds sadly. I close my eyes and feel my surroundings change. Why did that have to happen so soon?


That's it for part one, part two will probably be longer, i'm going to re-watch the five Doctors tomorrow while writing the other parts that go to this movie episode. I hope you guys enjoyed that episode. I am now in Maryland and since it's summer I will be able to work on more stories and more chapters to different stories. It's now almost midnight right now. I'll try to upload at least part two tomorrow.


The girl who believed

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